
37 years old from Kremenchuk

  • Birth Date

    10 May

  • Height

    160 cm5' 2''

  • Weight

    60 kg132 lbs

  • Eyes


  • Hair


  • Build


  • Zodiac


  • Glasses


  • She is


  • Smoking


  • Drinking


  • Religion


  • University degree


  • Field of activity


  • Occupation

    Beauty Sphere

  • Marital status

    Divorced and No children

  • Want to have children?

    will decide with my husband

  • My Languages

    Ukrainian FluentEnglish Beginner

  • I’m looking for

    Penpal, Relationship, Dating

Olga 8730

What I do in my leisure time?

In my free time, I try to devote time to my child. 

Spend more time outdoors. I always want to find time for myself, especially when I work seven days a week. Make yourself coffee, stand, look out the window, and stay silent sometimes because I like things that calm me down.

Our personal opinion of this Lady

Olga is a beautiful and wise woman. She is really created for the family and it is a pity that such a flower disappears without a gardener.

She sincerely hopes that she will be able to meet her man here, who will melt her heart.

My typical day

The day starts with coffee, I cook breakfast and get ready for work. 

Before work, I always do yoga and sports and sometimes go to the gym. 

After work, I can go to buy groceries for dinner or just go home right away, because it's nice to go home when your relatives are waiting for you there.

In the evening, I can read a book or watch some interesting movie.

The type of man that I desire

I am looking for a loving, kind, and sympathetic man. A man with a will and character that could protect, solve any issue, and make his woman weak, gentle,e and loved. 

I want a clean relationship so that he would be faithful and hardworking.

How would I describe myself

I have seen a lot of injustice in my life, especially from men. Not an honest marriage or empty promises that tempered the character of a strong woman in me. 

I am used to working and making my way in life on my own because it is difficult to rely on someone and trust someone. 

It's hard to meet a good man, but I still have hope that there is such a person who can love me.

My future goals are

My future plans are to meet a loving man, visit several countries in Europe, or see a country across the ocean, and be happy.