
18 years old from Cherkasy

  • Birth Date

    26 January

  • Height

    164 cm5' 4''

  • Weight

    48 kg106 lbs

  • Eyes


  • Hair


  • Build


  • Zodiac


  • Glasses


  • She is


  • Smoking


  • Drinking


  • Religion


  • University degree


  • Field of activity


  • Occupation

  • Marital status

    Single and No children

  • Want to have children?

    will decide with my husband

  • My Languages

    English Basic

Maryna 8502

My typical day

Most of the day I spend studying. But a cup of morning coffee is my small tradition. I like to brew it on my own, and depending on mood add spices in there. Sometimes cinnamon, sometimes orange peel with caramel, and sometimes it's just black coffee with a piece of milk chocolate :) 

After studying I always find time to do something out of a long list of things I enjoy - reading, going into sports, listening to music (okay, let's be honest, I can do that while studying as well!), watching movies, walking along the city, spending time with family over the weekends, and more and more. 

My future goals are

I want to survive :) And want to find a man to enjoy the life on full scale together. To share love, passion, and compassion, to explore the world and each other together. To enjoy the simple things, and to look for the meaningful things together. 

About my family

I grew up in a loving and caring family in a rural area in central Ukraine. My parents gave the most of their love to me and my brother, who is 10 years older. He was and still is very protective about me, and said that would only give me away to a decent man, who'll never hurt me :) I know that family is the highest value and treasure in life, and want to build a just as loving and solid family as the one I grew up in. 

The type of man that I desire

I want to find a man with common interests for us, with common views on life and the future. It's a must for me to have mutual respect, care, support, and trust between us. I also believe we need to get along in communication. Find compromises to make each other happy. This world is so crowded, and there are billions of people of different descriptions and types. But it's all about how we get along, isn't it? 

Our personal opinion of this Lady

The lady is very open-hearted, sincere, and always smiling. Shy in the beginning, but easy-going at the same time.