
42 years old from Dnipro

  • Birth Date

    8 August

  • Height

    158 cm5' 2''

  • Weight

    55 kg121 lbs

  • Eyes


  • Hair


  • Build

    slim (slender)

  • Zodiac


  • Glasses


  • She is


  • Smoking


  • Drinking


  • Religion


  • University degree


  • Field of activity


  • Occupation


  • Marital status

    Divorced and I have children / 1 girl

  • Children age

    18 y.o.13 May

  • Want to have children?


  • My Languages

    English Beginner

  • I’m looking for

    Romance, Relationship, Dating

Marina 3534

My typical day

I get up rather early. I get ready for work. I try to make my morning relaxing and productive. So I pay my attention to my outfit and mood. I go to work and have a full time working day. My colleges say that I am a great specialist and often come to get a piece of advice from me. I need some relaxing moments after a long working day. I do some household chores, cook, communicatewith  my daughter . I like watching films in the evening. I prefer films that have true to life plot or based on real events. I like meeting friends and visiting new places in my city too.

Our personal opinion of this Lady

Optimistic and polite, very kind and self-confident person. This Lady is sincere and open-hearted. She is stylish and well-dressed. The communication was pleasant and she really has that charm.

What I do in my leisure time?

I usually work from 9 till 5, and I have my free time mostly in the evenings. I come home, change my formal clothes for something more cosy and casual. I like soft light and candles, and I turn on calm music for the background. I like cooking in the kitchen and then enjoy my dinner together with my daughter. Very often we sit and talk about different girls things.My evenings are relaxing and tasty??. I like spending my time actively and meeting new people. I like exploring new places and getting new experience. ?

The type of man that I desire

The appearance never plays the main role for me. It is much more important for my man to be intelligent and reliable. Good sense of humor is a must, as I am an easy-laughing person. My perfect match should be honest and self-confident. He should know how to make decisions. And one more important thing, he should have that passion for living, for making his life happy and bright.

How would I describe myself

I am definitely not a home sitter. When I have days off, I like going out and socializing with friends. I like exploring new places and travelling. Even such a simple thing as coffee with friends can be a great adventure with me. I like looking smart. So yes, shopping is for me. I can walk for hours and choose the perfect dress for me. I like spending my time at the sea. It is a must for my summer vocation.

About my family

 I have a charming daughter. Her name is Diana, and she is 17 years old. She is a great joy for me and I can surely say that we are the best friends for each other. My mother loved not far from us and I visit her pretty often.

My future goals are

As a mother of a young lady, my goal is to help her to be happy and to find her way in this life. As a woman, I want to love and to be loved. I want to have a successful career. I want my life to be bright so when I will be 90 years old, I will have plenty of funny and breathtaking stories for my grandchildren.