Top 6 signs she wants a serious relationship with you

27 Feb 2024

You are dating a lady, you are building relationships and that’s great. Your relationships seem to be serious and you wish to know if she is ready for something serious or maybe even to tie the knot. Of course, you’d like to be sure that she really wants something serious and long-lasting before you start making plans for your future together with the woman you are dating to.

Signs she wants to be with you

There are many signs when she wants a serious relationship with you and we will be glad to share these little secrets with you.

Spend a lot of time talking about everything

How much time do you spend together? Do you just meet or talk during the day using messengers and SMS? If you do talk a lot of time and spend much time discussing different themes, that’s a good sign and that shows she wants you in her life and she is ready for committed relationships. Of course, the woman may be busy at work or with her kids or parents but the woman who wants something serious will always find time to answer because she is looking forward to getting your message. When you are in love, you will always find time for your partner, that is a definite sign she wants a serious relationship with you

She doesn't keep waiting for an answer

If she is interested, she will answer your letter or messages fast and without delays. You won’t wait for a long time and you will listen to the signal that you have already got her answer. When a person likes you, he or she is looking forward to getting the letter or the SMS and, of course, doesn’t wait for a long time to write back. Meanwhile, you remember that you are talking to a woman. Some women like to play games. However, if she answers fast that is the sign that she is serious about you

Interested in questions about future plans

She asks questions and she isn’t afraid to discuss the future with you. That’s extremely important and you can expect that she is ready to develop the relationships. You may not only discuss different topics, you may even dream or plan how it will be when you are together. Making plans is a great thing, it helps you to understand what kind of family your partner wishes to have, what relationships seem to be normal. Some couples plan their family life, they dream about holidays together, they discuss the names of their future kids. That’s cute. Talk about the future with your woman and you will know more about her, the relationships she wishes, and, of course, you will discover if you are in her future.

Forgets her things at your house

When you are dating and she forgets something in your place from time to time, that says that she will bring more and more things to your place, as these are signs that she wants a relationship. When she leaves her toothbrush be sure she will bring her cosmetics, then some clothes, and after that you will realize that your apartment is not only yours anymore. If you wish to be in serious relationships that’s a good sign. That means she wants to spend time with you, she is not afraid to live with you and she is ready for the next step. To tell the truth, this is a normal development if you are both ready and wish.

You already know all her friends

Does she introduce you to her friends and relatives? If your answer is positive, that says she is ready to build strong relationships with you. She wishes all her family knew about you so she decided to introduce you. That may be a family dinner when she invites you, her friends, and relatives. Or you may meet some of her friends by the incident and she introduces you as her boyfriend. That is really cool and you are doing everything right if you wish to have the future together.

She confessed directly to you about the seriousness of your relationship

What can be better? You are a lucky man and you heard what you wished and dreamt about day and night. Sometimes when a woman makes some efforts to show her serious intentions and a man doesn’t see them, the only thing to do is to say it directly. She may organize a romantic dinner or to say this when you are in bed, or just drink coffee in the café where you first met. Actually, men prefer this variant more, they like to hear than to guess. There is no need to guess and look for the signs she wants you to be her boyfriend, everything is clear and easy to understand. That’s what makes men and women different but that makes our life more interesting, exciting, and bright.


There are many signs she wants a serious relationship with you that you can notice, when you date a women who loves you. Be attentive and patient, let your lady express her thoughts and feelings freely, and don't put pressure on her. Sonn you will understand whether your relationship has a chance to become somethign serious.

Think about your relationships with the woman and analyze her behavior, you will definitely understand everything, you will find the answers to your questions and you will know what your woman wants. Remember about the signs and you will see what she wants, that’s so easy to do.

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