Uadreams follows anti-scam program

14 Apr 2023

UaDreams Warns All the Members About the Scammers.

We offer our best experienced Anti-Scam program with helping our members to avoid being scammed. People who browsing the internet with searching their love are in the group of risk to be victims of fraudsters and scammers.

Be cautious as dating business is a subject of manipulations with wallet and heart.

Of course, men, being scammed by women via internet stops believing in finding true love online, they lose interests and etc. Therefore women who are honest and who have serious intentions to find their beloved have less chance to do that.

We do not advise our members to exchange their personal information as they used to do on other websites till the first meeting alive of both sides here in the agency.

First Meeting: What We Mean.

We take whole responsibility for your first meeting in UaDreams but we do not give you any guarantees for your security out of the office. That is why our policy regarding this subject is very strict. Your resolution can be really expensive for you as well as it can touch your money and feelings.

Of course, UaDreams is aware of scam practice and money extracting all over the world so that we have special department for investigating such cases and what is more we try our best in order to prevent our male members from being scammed here.

We have special anti-scam program as we care about your and our reputation simultaneously. It is important for us to receive feed back with good attitude and develop our business with creating happy couples.

So, the main rule is: money sending directly to a person is prohibited. Like we do not recommend you to do that but almost prohibit. And if you get a request of such a kind, please refer to us and we will remove the profile from the system accordingly.

We screen all ladies who are about to be registered and make sure that they are single. We check their passports and marital status. We make pictures for each lady and put them on the site. We translate all correspondence for the lady and all this work is done by numerous staff as we have 15 branches in Ukraine. That is why you have to be sure about being safe with communicating with ladies here with

What we do to protect our members from being scammed.

We would like to offer you to check the AntiScam Rules of

  • No agency allowed to post profiles of their members on and ask our members to pay for correspondence
  • Business promotion is not allowed here
  • Registration is free
  • Profiles are to be posted if people are real as well as photos
  • Members with single status are to be checked, we do not allow people with any other purposes to join
  • We double-check lady’s information, though everyday monitoring is not guaranteed
  • Personal information of our members is not to be exchanged or sold till members’ first meeting. We protect ladies from being scammed or abused in UaDreams, as well as we care of our male members to keep them safe
  • UaDreams does not allow their members to send any money to each other
  • We offer our members to pay online. You see that in most cases you can dispute credit card charges for non-delivery of goods but all our services are added automatically.

Female Scam Samples.

  • Mostly if we speak about websites with free services the initiative comes from a lady who has unnatural interest in you and keep forwarding letters and invitations to chat. The notions of good man and no matter what age, race and etc is a kind of deception that tends to disquiet.
  • Really good pictures would initiate the acquaintance.
  • Regular correspondence every day letter and photo.
  • Scammer would never have an interest of your financial status
  • Falling in love with you within 1-4 letters.
  • All letters from a “lady” are about trust, honesty and sincere intentions.
  • Dismissing your particular questions and details.
  • She is telling about her bad financial status with notable exceptions but regularly.
  • Frequent pieces of information are about mom, dad or someone else is sick and is need to take care of them. She has to work hard and will not ask you for money directly but will give a concern of all situation.
  • If you tell this lady about your interest to come she will inform you about all necessary details at once and price for tickes, visa, insurance etc. will be much bigger than real.
  • Disappearing after receiving the money.

Male Scam Samples

The most popular pattern is the invitation to his place of living. Just to live together for a period and check how it works. Of course as a rule we speak about free dating sites, where men do not want to spend a cent. Lady being naïve does everything - household, cooking, laundry –of course this is like a housewife test. Afterwards being told that she is not the one he is looking for and blabla. Of course we do not mention sex tourists, men for fun, maniacs and others.

This man will never pay attention to details in your letter or conversation, he will avoid specific questions. But intends to see a lady next to him as soon as possible being ready for marriage.

Best Scam Examples in Letters of Scammers.

Best way to let you know about being involved in scam – to give you an abstract of a scam letter.

" My Dear Sweetheart... I missed you a lot. How is it going? Dear I have something important to tell you. I need your help so much as I have no one to share my concern with. I have terrible times. My work was very hard, by I’ve lost it and that is why I have financial problems. My Mom and son are living with me. So I have to earn money for living for whole family as my Mom is retired. And right now I have some time to find another job… But we have to live somehow this period and I would really appreciate your greatest help with sending some money by WU. Shame on me to ask about but I really hope that you understand my situation. I sincerely hope that you are doing fine. I am waiting for your answer... "

"Dear I really hope that everything is fine with you and your family. I missed you and want to see you impatiently. As for me - my health grew worse. The situation became more complicated, the doctor said I needed some more detailed medical examination. My staying at hospital isreally expensive and my means are about to finish. But I'll have to pay 450 USD for the full examination. Oh, God, I don't know what to do, Dear, as I don't have this money.. And I have no one to lend some money or maybe I need something to sell out. My precious, you are the only one who can help me. I really need you.“

"My love, I have gret news for you! What if I come to visit you? I decided that I missed you a lot and I think it's a wonderful idea! How do you think? You see, all I need is to apply for visa and to obtain a ticket to your place as well. To do it fast I need to apply for my passport and it will cost about 200-300$. So, sweety, please send me this amount money via WU and I'll start the procedure for my passport ..."

How Report About Scam.

Contact UaDreams agency in a letter as soon as possible. Use "Contact Us" form, put your name, current email address and your story, of course, do not forget to provide us with the specific information of scam or scamming intentions (it is better to indicate Name, give some scan copies of letters, facts and details are more than appreciated) and our scam department will immediately investigate the issue and keep you informed about the results.

If the scam case is confirmed, the scammer will be removed from our system.

We will appreciate greatly if you let UaDreams help you to avoid any scam intention and let all staff prevent you from being hurt and disappointed within online dating website.

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