Here are some basic tips for mature knights on the way to the heart of a young lady:
\r\n*I just shouldn\'t be in love with a younger woman. It\'s wrong.
\r\n*No young woman is going to be drawn to an old guy like me.
\r\n*She can\'t be with me, for we are I different phases of our lives.
\r\nSTOP right now because these are programmed thoughts. The reality is quite different. There is nothing wrong with dating a younger woman just along as she is legally of age and wants the same. “Different” phases in life does not mean incompatible.
\r\nAge should not become an obstacle when searching for a partner to spend a life with. If you really like a woman who is younger than you, you should try to win her heart, using these dating a younger woman advices. Dating a woman 20 years younger is not so scary, as it may seem. Follow your heart, do not be shy, fulfill your dream with us! Register and find your happiness! Good luck!
\r\nThere is nothing impossible in dating a much younger woman and even creating a new family after the divorce. And it does not matter how old you are. Many older gentlemen have already successfully followed this path. Relations with women 10, 20 or more years younger, than you are, is a fairly common practice. Psychologists, sociologists and physiologists justify this. Discard fears and stereotypes. Choose the right strategy. And do not make common mistakes in such cases. Follow your dream and be happy!
",data:{meta_tags:{title:"Dating a Younger Woman: Tips and Trick | UADreams",description:"Let's talk about pros and cons of dating with a younger woman. How to attract and date younger women and more tips and tricks read on UaDreams's blog"},ld_json:""}},url:"/dating-tips/why-do-older-men-date-younger-women/",regexpsUrl:null,allParentsList:[{id:148,title:"Dating tips",url:"/dating-tips/"}],tags:[{title:"Dating Etiquette",url:"/dating-tips/dating-etiquette/",id:456},{title:"Challenges",url:"/dating-tips/challenges/",id:446},{title:"Trends",url:"/dating-tips/trends/",id:444}]},{id:266,flag:"normal",fDate:"26 Apr 2023",onlyDate:"2023-04-26",date:"2023-04-26T14:42:00.000Z",slug:"how-to-recover-after-rocky-breakup",type:"section_148",template:"PageBlog",data:{dopParams:"",can_use_pager:"no",primary_image:{url:"",alt:"",title:""},sitemap:{changefreq:"weekly",priority:"0.8"},react_params:{horizontal_carousel_girls_id:""}},show:"all",date_lastmod:"2024-04-25T20:17:06.000Z",for_rewrite:0,termsId:[148,446,447],langsVersions:[],rating:{rating:0,count:0,userValue:0},content:{title:"How to recover after rocky breakup",content:'Everyone who suffered drama knows that it is more than hard to start dating after many years of stable relationship. People are scary enough to receive the same pain, to get all things to repeat. They are full of frightened emotions and anxiety about this thing.
\r\nUncertain emotions, doubt and fear leaves with the most negative experience. You may be fool to let it repeat. famous sexologists and relationship experts advice to take care about yourself, your ego, taking all advantages of life with the most meaningful interest and intentions you had no time before. Only when happy a person is able to share this happiness with someone so it means to be ready for further relationship.
\r\nSelf-assess is very important: plan every weekend and every hour if possible for the best treatment, take up with friends or visit parents and relatives, in case you want to see nobody, take a vacation for a small trip to the town, take time for being with nature, tasty food, interesting hobbies will help you to take mind off things.
\r\nBut how to avoid the same mistakes? Averagely according to statistics people use the same cliches for building up relationships that leads to the same results, finally breaking up.
Experts do not recommend to fight fire with fire, take your time but never be n a hurry until you understand that you are ready to relations workout.
\r\nOf course this term is quite individual however many psychologists say that it is better to be alone, to luxuriate in it, build your personality and be engaged with self-development.
\r\nOne simple rule is the way to uncover the state of being ready for dating:
\r\nIt’s a hard work to let it go. People used to be given to the typical behavior however this is your role to prevent things happen in the same way.
\r\nThe better source of a fresh energy is taking care of yourself, learn from the past, be thankful for every new experience – all of that makes you yourself.
\r\nProbably you won’t believe but these things will increase your confidence. If you cherish your strong features, develop them and fight with fears – you become better and in such a way you like yourself. When a person is shining inside it is highlighted everywhere, though all sides.
\r\nYou are great and others see that as well. You are on the way to meet people, to be opened.
\r\nYou start to receive new knowledge, answering many questions and taking communication as a practice. You are interested in giving and receiving a feedback.
\r\nThat means you work on the issue, you’ve rolled on the process of getting better. You analyze your past and make conclusions, you accept this.
\r\nNo matter how hurts that means you are recovering, you are alive person so you have a right to feel those emotions, that’s normal. In such a way we learn more and more about relations, about each side’s truth and positions.
\r\nBut remember: pick the one that makes you feel confident and comfortable. Being natural is the most powerful method to get a pleasure from dating, besides your interlocutor will know you better from the first sight and further features of your character will be appreciated but not rejected as well.
\r\nSo you may choose dating online or speed-dating, probably individual matchmaking will suit you better, who knows, or may be old school meeting in bars or couch surfing whatever.
\r\nThat will not demean you if other friends of yours are coupled and you are not. This is your privilege to make a choice and to put a direction for future. So if your friends want you to get acquainted with their cousin or an old friend, don’t be a moody, accept. They just want to comfort you and help you with all their sincerest intentions.
\r\nOne more thing to say. Never give up if your attempt failed. Even one miserable misfortune may change your life for a happiness, be attentive, open your eyes wide, be opened to new meetings and conversations and life will grant you sincerest cherished smile. Good luck!
',contentDop:"Breakup is always not an easy thing in life, especially a breakup after a long relationship. However, it may happen and the person should realize it is not the end of the world and life is not over. It may be hard, but it is necessary to accept that a new page in life is opened and it depends only upon you and only you how this page will be filled.
\r\nThe specialists advise not to start new relationship very soon after the breakup. All together the heart, the body and the mind requires time to have rest and restore. Give them this time and at a certain point you will feel the readiness for new relationships. It is not a bad variant to try dating website. It is less dangerous psychologically, but a good possibility to come back.
",data:{meta_tags:{title:"Effective Tips for Recovering after rocky breakup",description:"We tried to collect practical advice how to endure a sick break of long relations. We hope that following these tips will turn out to be happy again"},ld_json:""}},url:"/dating-tips/how-to-recover-after-rocky-breakup/",regexpsUrl:null,allParentsList:[{id:148,title:"Dating tips",url:"/dating-tips/"}],tags:[{title:"Breakup",url:"/dating-tips/breakup/",id:447},{title:"Challenges",url:"/dating-tips/challenges/",id:446}]},{id:233,flag:"normal",fDate:"26 Apr 2023",onlyDate:"2023-04-26",date:"2023-04-26T14:05:00.000Z",slug:"top-myths-and-facts-about-online-dating",type:"section_148",template:"PageBlog",data:{dopParams:"",can_use_pager:"no",primary_image:{url:"",alt:"",title:""},sitemap:{changefreq:"weekly",priority:"0.8"},react_params:{horizontal_carousel_girls_id:""}},show:"all",date_lastmod:"2024-04-26T11:53:58.000Z",for_rewrite:0,termsId:[148,446,448,457],langsVersions:[],rating:{rating:0,count:0,userValue:0},content:{title:"All the truth about online dating and dating sites.",content:'Over the past decade, the dating arena has changed dramatically. This does not mean that people no longer go out into a real society to find a couple, but, according to recent research, online dating sites are “guilty” in 3 of 5 weddings. Actually, living, for example in Australia, you can find your love in Germany or Ukraine. Many dating services, such as UaDreams, help to connect people from different countries and even continents.
\r\nUaDreams offer to get acquainted with the beautiful Ukrainian girls who are quite busy and advanced to seek a serious relationship on the Internet. Alas, online dating is also fraught with a lot of absurd myths. You\'ve probably heard some of them. Our analysts believe that the time has come to shed light on the most common of them.
\r\nMany would already meet someone online and would be happy if they were not victims of mythical fears associated with dating sites. Here are the top 10 of them:
\r\n1. Internet sites are not safe platforms for serious relations. Yes, there is a share of risk and it is less than in real life, where you can\'t always be safeguard from unwanted contact, and high-quality dating sites take care of their members\' safety.
\r\n2. If one is really nice and successful he will never date online. It is not true that dating sites are options for ugly and losers. Most of smart and attractive persons have shortage of time to socialize in the real world.
\r\n3. You’ll find your only immediately or never. The results can\'t be instant. So, be patient enough to date the right one in certain time.
\r\n4. It’s easy to misrepresent facts online. People lie on profiles, but not often in order not to be caught out and look foolishly offline.
\r\n5. All online daters are sex-desperate or inadequate. Is it so? There are all sorts of persons online nice and odd. And the same situation in real life. Online you can simply stop chatting.
\r\n6. Online dating is a waste of money heaps. The argument is that you try a lot of bad options before getting the result and pay more. But you attempts and mistakes are online and your opponents\' are on real dates. And who is thrift?
\r\n7. A beautiful profile image on a dating site is the main thing in choosing a partner. But the person is more than his / her picture. A pretty face does not guarantee that everything else will suit you.
\r\n8. Online dating sites are for the youth only. It is not true! According to statistics, about 55% of dating sites members are over 45. This is the best place to win time, because online you will meet your soulmate faster.
\r\n9. It\'s awkward to admit that you and your spouse have met on a dating site. Old fashioned nonsense! We all now communicate on the Internet. And where do we get acquainted?
\r\n10. From letters and video chat you can always determine whether there is an emotional link. Not always the truth! After all, the best way to find out whether you are compatible with a person is a live meeting. Let these stereotypes not become a stumbling block in your decision to find love online.
\r\nAnalysts of UaDreams have studied the profiles of their members and the data of network statistics and sellected for you some true and curious facts about online dating.
\r\nDo you know that to date, there are more than 7,000 dating sites all over the world. It is interesting that more than half of men and a only third of women embellish their online profiles.
\r\nStudies show that men are 15% more likely to fall in love at online dating than women.
\r\nOf the 700 Ukrainian women interviewed on our website, 77% refer to UaDreams as their first attempt at membership on a dating site.
\r\n87% of them hope to create a family. What is more important for starting a relationship?
\r\n56% of respondents said that the most important thing is common views on life.
\r\nAnd 41% preferred a pleasant appearance.
\r\nMore than 36% of those who met through UaDreams their Ukrainian lady over the past three years have created happy families or engaged.
\r\nObviously, despite the prevailing stereotypes, most adult people use dating sites to find love and overcome loneliness. If you are a fairly modern but busy person, do not waste precious time and do not succumb to fears! UaDreams staff invite you to decide and take the first steps towards your dream and post your profile on our website.
Top 10 myths and facts about online dating in 2023. Everything that is concerned to the relationship between men and women has long been interwoven with different myths. Fearing failure in love, on a date, a person generates a lot of fears and stereotypes.
\r\nThe Internet as an attribute of modernity, introduced new features and opportunities in the search for a life partner. But online dating in turn overgrew a lot of myths that prevent people on the road to happiness. Dating experts UaDreams tried to summarize the basic facts about online dating and open up to our readers, where the truth and where just a myth.
",data:{meta_tags:{title:"Top 10 myths and facts about online dating in 2023",description:"Let's talk about the truth and myths when dating in the Internet. Collected for you the top 10 facts about online dating and dating sites in 2023. Read more on our blog"},ld_json:""}},url:"/dating-tips/top-myths-and-facts-about-online-dating/",regexpsUrl:null,allParentsList:[{id:148,title:"Dating tips",url:"/dating-tips/"}],tags:[{title:"Mistakes",url:"/dating-tips/mistakes/",id:457},{title:"Online Dating",url:"/dating-tips/online-dating/",id:448},{title:"Challenges",url:"/dating-tips/challenges/",id:446}]}],perPage:5}}},favorite:{data:null},banners:{loading:!0,data:null},videoChat:{loading:!0,list:null,pastChats:null,flowLady:null,chatOffers:{}},services:{loading:!0,dataGiftsMenu:null,services:null,happyHourGifts:null,randomGifts:null,tripsGiftsLoading:!1,tripsGifts:null,translationServicesLoading:!1,translationServices:null,ladyGifts:null,giftsGroupList:null},credits:{loading:!1,info:{}},testimonial:{data:{id:3116,title:"Charles / United States",date:"2022",text:"So take some time, consideration, and discussion with your lady before meeting, what you going to want to do in these 5,6,7, 10 days to may meet, it makes it more pleasant that you are able to do something together, and then make it happen. And that’s the whole idea - make it happen.",photo:"",photoPreview:""},testimonialsList:null,randomTestimonials:null,testimonialsLadies:null,testimonialsForMenu:null,testimonialsForProfile:null,testimonialForGallery:null,testimonialForSEOPages:null},invitations:{loading:!0,data:{list:null,limit:null}},basket:{loading:!0,data:null,showNoty:!1,optionsPrices:null},ladies:{list:{2425:{gid:2425,name:"Kate",bd:"1989-03-05",age:35,branch:"Nikolaev",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2019-04-23T14:40:50.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Architecture/Interior",works:"Party/wedding planner",height:"5,7",height2:171,weight:110,weightkg:50,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I am a very active, cheerful, and joyful girl! I love my life and am thankful for everything I have. I am a creative personality who likes to draw and create new things. As I am an interior designer I like to make everything around me very pretty and stylish.
\nBesides all this, I'm a mom! I have my little princess whom I love very much! We often go for a walk in the park and have fun there. Elina is a very communicative and cheerful girl.
\nI have a dog and I like to play and walk with him, he is a big German Shepherd. I like movies, traveling, meeting with friends and family, I like to do a lot of things :)
",partner:"I welcome handsome men but it is not important for me. I don't think that appearance is the most important thing, I appreciate the beauty in the soul, kindness in heart, respect for lady, being friendly, a man with a sense of humor.
\nI want my man to be a real MAN, to be a master in the house and in my life. So I can give him the best of me as well.
",ocenka:"My main goal is to have a happy and friendly family and I hope this site will help me to achieve this goal! I would like to wake up in the morning and see my beloved man by my side. It is so important to find a person you will have the desire to kiss and cuddle for the rest of your life.
\nAlso one of my dreams is to open a wedding salon someday where I will be able to realize myself as a designer. Certainly, I would like my future man to support me in it and maybe he would be able to give me some advice as well.
",family:"Family takes the biggest part of my life because for me it is very important. I live with my parents and elder brother and my little daughter! We are very friendly and like spending time together! My daughter is my happiness and my treasure! My mother is the person who helps me always with advice and she is a person to whom I trust a lot.
\nAll the members of the family respect each other and help each other if there are some troubles.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a joyful, easy-going, and open-hearted young woman. I like to have fun whatever I do but I am serious at the same time. My interests are traveling, meeting new people, and making new friends. I like also sports and pay a lot of attention to my body, that’s why I am fit.
\nDo you like a woman that takes care of her health and beauty? Then I am the one! I try to be always beautiful inside and outside ;)
",aboutday:"I don't have any typical days! All of them are different for me! :) But they always start with a morning jog. My mother helps me with my daughter so I have time for myself.
\nI like to go out for a walk with my daughter and my dog in a nearby park, I enjoy walking a lot. If I have a bad mood I can stay at home and watch a movie :)
",aboutime:"I like to keep everything in order, so I spend several hours cleaning my house because I think that the clean and cozy home says that there's an attentive and thrifty housewife in it. I also enjoy cooking, but usually, I cook on weekends or evenings when I have more time because I like to cook something special and very delicious. Like any decent lady, I can do everything about the house but at the same time, I would like my husband to help me with it. I want equality in domestic abilities. ",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:1,notes:"Katy is a very cheerful and open-minded lady, she is very kind and creative, she can be a designer not only of the house but also of your life. We think that such a lady can make your life very special and outstanding.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Pisces",children:"I have children / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:6,date:"25 June"}],profile:"/women/kate-nikolaev-2425/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},2428:{gid:2428,name:"Ulya",bd:"1990-03-12",age:34,branch:"Ivano-Frankovsk",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2012-04-04T09:38:59.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Education",works:"Primary School Teacher",height:"5,6",height2:168,weight:106,weightkg:48,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"black",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I love dancing and listening to music very much. In my free from work time I read books or spend time with my friends. I enjoy active rest but sometimes I feel like being alone though. I am sure if I had a person who I love, I would be happy to spend time just cuddling. :) I believe that people live to love and to be loved! Going to the mountains or to the sea-side is another hobby of mine. I grew up in the village with my grandparents and so Carpathians awake my childhood memories. Also I enjoy relaxing under the sun a lot!
",partner:"I just wish that my future couple has few very important qualities like reliability, caring personality, readiness to support, and positive attitude. I want my man to have goals in life and to follow them. For me family is very important and so I would like to meet a man with certain morals and standards. I have to admit that I am rather conservative))) I enjoy romance and pleasant surprises, spending time in some nice surrounding and doing very different things together!
\nWell, there are no perfect people and so I am not looking for some particular type of man.
",ocenka:"I have several aims I'd like to achieve within my lifetime. I would love to get promoted at my work and get a higher Teacher Degree. I want to explore the world and at least travel through the whole Europe. Some small business is also in my plans. For instance, it'd be great to establish my own private school.
\nApart of this my goal is a happy and strong family. I dream to become happy, become a mom and realise myself as a wife. I believe I'll achieve all that as long as my desire is strong :) and it's the most important starting point, right?
",family:"To be honest, it's rather difficult issue to describe. My parents were divorced for some time, but now my dad came back to the family and again lives with us. For instance, I know for sure that I would like to meet a person for the whole life, not just for a temporary relationship. Now my parents are together and I hope that they will start a new happy page in their life. So I started a new page in my life either :)
\nI have a younger sister and we are rather close, even though we might quarrel, just like any siblings))) I have many relatives who I meet from time to time. Unfortunately, almost all of my grandparents passed away, but I feel that they are watching me from above!
\nFamily is everything to me and thus I would love to create a wonderful and supportive family of my own!
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am understanding and caring, true and loyal, generous and spiritual. At least I would like to think so))) I always try to listen to others and consider their opinion whatever the case. I am fond of Psychology and that helps me to get to know others from different perspective. As teacher, I have to be patient and tactful not only at school. Of course I can be emotional sometimes, just like any woman)))
\nI want to be a true lady - feminine, honest, respectful, peaceful, and trustworthy. So, I do everything possible to become one! :)
",aboutday:"Usually I wake up early, do my morning chores and go to work. After work I either spend some time with friends or go home and get busy with housework. Taking care of my close ones is always a pleasure to me. Also I enjoy watching movies with my family, as well as listening to music and reading books when being on my own. :)
\nI am sure that home is about what you make it and so I try to make my house cozy and comfortable. So, I enjoy decorating rooms with different homey things when I have time for that. Sometimes I go to church as I am rather spiritual.
",aboutime:"I live in the family house in the suburbs. It's rather big, so cleaning is not my most favorite thing))) Still, I enjoy cooking a lot and so I often surprise my close ones with new dishes and traditional meals. :) I believe that I could be a good designer, so taking care of furnishings and home decoration is a great pleasure to me. Also I love plants and so I take care of pot flowers and trees outside the house. They give me this power and great energy! ",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Lady is elegant and sophisticated! She has good manners and positive nature. Any man would be charmed by her enigmatic look and charming smile! :) Still, she is very loyal and so only a lucky one will be happy to win her heart!
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Pisces",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/ulya-ivano-frankovsk-2428/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},2728:{gid:2728,name:"Anna",bd:"1995-08-16",age:29,branch:"Lutsk",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-04-25T13:55:49.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Arts",works:"Photographer",height:"5,9",height2:176,weight:147,weightkg:67,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I have a wonderful son and I like to play with him, take him for a walk and to some nice places when I have leisure time. I lead a healthy lifestyle and I like sports very much. I started to practice yoga about one year ago and I really love it. I enjoy that feeling of inner peace and harmony. I also like going to the gym. As I'm a very creative woman, I love Art a lot. I love to take photos and to be taken pictures of. I like to paint and draw when I have time. It also brings me lots of joy and positive emotions when I'm dancing and listening to music.
",partner:"I want my man to be reliable, caring, and honest. I hope that he will be mature and ready for a serious relationship. It will be important for me to have such a kind of man by my side who will love children and animals. It will be nice if my future husband doesn't have bad habits if he likes sports and if he pays attention to his spiritual development. I need a man with whom I will feel very comfortable and with whom I will be able to talk about everything. I will need to be sure that my man will support me in any situation, and that he will be my rock, my best friend.
",ocenka:"I enjoy my life and I think that I have achieved a lot in my life already, as I have a wonderful son and I have a job that makes me feel very happy. Of course, I also want to find my true love, my soulmate, my future husband. That's why I'm here on this site. I pay much attention to my mental, physical and spiritual development. I practice yoga and I plan to continue doing it. I also will continue improving my skills in taking photos and drawing. It inspires me when I travel somewhere and it is one of my goals to visit more beautiful places in the future.
",family:"I'm lucky to have very loving and supportive parents and a wonderful son. My son is so cute, active, talented, and cheerful. He likes everything that is connected to computers. My parents are very nice and creative people. My dad is an artist and thanks to him I became fond of art too. I love both of my parents very much, but I'm very close with my dad, as we are always on the same wave and it is always very interesting for me to talk with my father. I'm the only child in my family. I'm always happy to visit my parents.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I'm a very easy-going, kind, positive and creative lady. I like being in the nature. I love sports, yoga, and meditation. I love animals. I do my best to avoid negative emotions and to enjoy every day of my life. Being an artist I'm able to see something beautiful in everything that surrounds me. I need a man who will support me, will inspire me, and with whom I will build harmonious and happy relationships. I think that being with a person who loves you and whom you love too is the biggest happiness in life. I want to have a happy marriage.
",aboutday:"I usually start my day by practising yoga, meditating or doing some morning exercises. It always makes me feel nice and energetic when I do it and it helps me to wake up faster. Then I take a contrast shower and I cook something tasty and healthy for breakfast for my son and me. Then I do my job and it depends on how many sessions I have and how busy I am during the day. When I have free time, I go to the gym after work. Then I take my son from school, cook dinner and relax. Of course, I also meet with my friends sometimes or visit my parents.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage",child_m:1,child_f:0,notes:"This lady is very talented, kind, positive and pleasant to talk with. She is very goal-oriented, serious and mature. This lady is also well-educated and she has good manners. It is her dream to find true love and to be happily married. She is a loving and caring mother.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Leo",children:"I have children / 1 boy ",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:9,date:"6 January"}],profile:"/women/anna-lutsk-2728/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},3505:{gid:3505,name:"Nadin",bd:"1999-12-15",age:24,branch:"Dnipro",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-05-24T16:09:48.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Food",works:"cooker",height:"5,3",height2:162,weight:110,weightkg:50,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"black",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I'm working according to the shifts and when I have free time I like to read. If you ask me what is my favorite book I can say that every book has something special and interesting.
\nAlso, I like flowers and enjoy caring about them. I dream of having a garden with roses and peonies. It will be wonderful to spend summer evenings sitting in a cosy chair in the garden and enjoying the smell of the flowers.
\nSport is one of my main passions. I like yoga and stretching. It helps me to relax after the working day.
",partner:"Every woman dreams of having a man who will love her. My dream is to feel comfortable near my beloved. The age doesn't play a great role for me. The main thing my partner should be serious and reliable, confident and kind.
\nI believe that discussing will help to solve all the problems which a couple can face in relations. Just be open and honest with each other.
",ocenka:"I have great plans in my head. I want to become a volunteer and to help other people in need. I like cooking, so one of my dreams is to open my own cafe or small restaurant. Of course, to build serious relations and to be happy with a beloved man.
",family:"I was born in a large family, so I know how is it to care about younger ones. My parents gave us a good upbringing, they taught us to be kind, helpful and positive.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I would like to say that I am a positive, open-minded and friendly young lady. It is interesting for me to meet new people and discover new places.
\nI like to look good and that's why I always care about my appearance and try to be in good shape.
",aboutday:"My usual day starts rather early. I like morning and evening rituals and enjoy them without a rush. I also pay attention to my meals, they should be healthy and tasty.
\nThe working days can be different, easier or hectic. Nevertheless, I like all of them and I'm thankful for every day I live.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"The lady is very beautiful, positive and likes life.
\nHer smile attracts other people.
",wantToHaveChildren:"have not decided yet",zodiac:"Sagittarius",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/nadin-dnipro-3505/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},3580:{gid:3580,name:"Olga",bd:"1992-05-30",age:32,branch:"Kharkov",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2022-12-19T15:56:28.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Medical/Health",works:"nurse",height:"5,5",height2:166,weight:150,weightkg:68,konstit:"average",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I love to be engaged with baking and decorating. But of course, most of the time I devote to the upbringing and development of my most beloved son. I always try to develop him not only mentally but also physically.
\nWhen the child is sleeping, I like to do manicures for myself and my family. Let's just say this is another direction where I can develop my talent.
",partner:"I want him to be interesting, handsome, loving, generous and honest. And absolutely it has to be a person who can make me smile with his smile. Someone who knows what he wants from life. Someone who can accept me the way I am. Who will share my sadness and happiness with me. I want to be with a man I can trust my heart and my soul to, without any doubts.
",ocenka:"Raise my son with dignity, go to professional pastry chef courses to sharpen my skills! To be next to a worthy man who will love me and my son. I also want to develop further in terms of psychology, so that I can not only hear the words but see what is in a person’s soul.
",family:"I have a big family, we all grew up in the same house. We live outside the city, now our family has become even larger since I have many nephews.
\nI have two elder brothers, 2 elder sisters and 1 younger sister.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I really love varieties of psychology, because this way I can get to know a person much deeper and help him with advice, put him on the right path. I also try to develop physically and spiritually. I don’t like to stand still, I always try to keep up with the times. My point is to be straightforward and be yourself without masks and falsehood.
",aboutday:"Since I love to cook, I spend most of my time working in the kitchen and creating sweet products for myself and my family. I do developmental lessons with my little son.
\nDuring a warm season of the year I devote myself to a garden and also grow vegetables. I work in a garden where I have a small number of flowers, although there are few of them, I grew them with a soul that would please the eye not only for me but also for my guests.
",aboutime:"I have written more than once that I love homemade confectionery and I develop my talent at home, delighting myself with beautiful and sweet products. Most of all, it gives me pleasure when I cook these various biscuit cakes. Each time I try to make them brighter and more beautiful, so that it was not only delicious but very beautiful.",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:1,child_f:0,notes:"This lady is a very interesting and multifaceted personality. Conversations with her are always full of emotions and bright colours. She can always support a person in a difficult situation.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Gemini",children:"I have children / 1 boy ",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:4,date:"30 May"}],profile:"/women/olga-kharkov-3580/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Native"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},3602:{gid:3602,name:"Victoria",bd:"1995-07-15",age:29,branch:"Poltava",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2023-02-21T19:49:36.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Medical/Health",works:"Fitness Coach , Barista ",height:"5,10",height2:178,weight:143,weightkg:65,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"light-brown",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"Fond of being outdoors, whether in the company of other people or alone, Nature inspires me and I am in love with sunny days. I like to read books, watch travel blogs, listen to good music, cook new sugar-free sweets and desserts, and write sports sets for my training classes. Sometimes, I watch my favourite movies in English, to learn new words and expressions, it is fun!) Are you good at studying other languages? A very useful skill for travelling, which I adore).
",partner:"I am not searching for an ideal person, but the one who will be good enough for me, my perfect match. I believe that the process of falling in love can be slow but more lasting than a quick passion from the first sight. I want my man to be strong, loving, caring, responsible, open-minded, and of course, to have a good sense of humor)))). Still being serious and decisive in taking decisions.
",ocenka:"To enjoy life, Yes, that's what I'm exactly planning to do all my life. Because life is unique and beautiful, and I do not want to waste it on sadness and regrets. Cosy home, loving family, maybe a dog)))! I like animals, so a cat is also ok.
\nI dream to create my own brand of lingerie and sportswear! That is something I care about in my mind ))
",family:"My family is my joy. We are friends and this is what I want to have in my future family as well. Mom, dad, granny and me. I used to live separately before the war started, but now we live together, supporting and taking good care of each other. Relationships are based on trust and respect.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am energetic and active, kind and caring. As a child, I still truly believe that life is about love, education, and inspiration. Sometimes I can be stubborn, but that helps me to make my goals come true.
",aboutday:"My day starts early))). I am definitely a morning person. I like to start my day with run, yoga, or cycle. But sometimes I let myself stay in bed till 8 am and have a lazy coffee drink then :).
\nI work as a Batista, and it takes 4-5 days a week according to schedule. Three times a week I am a fitness trainer and actually, it's not work but a big pleasure and passion for me! I like to be a part of the body transformation of my clients! To see how they get more fit, strong and healthy!
",aboutime:"I like to keep my flat clean, especially the surfaces. I like cooking, mostly desserts: cheesecake, brownies, sugar-free sweets. Home for me is a place where you can fulfil your energy and feel cosiness.",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"A caring and loving person. Very sportive but at the same time tender and feminine. Smiling, positive, pleasant and easy in conversation. Huge energy is inside of her, powerful energetics, which you feel since the first meeting. Relationship oriented.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Cancer",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/victoria-poltava-3602/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},3660:{gid:3660,name:"Oksana",bd:"1996-07-31",age:28,branch:"Cherkasy",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2023-04-04T14:27:13.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Management",works:"Head of the department of managers in a legal company",height:"5,8",height2:173,weight:139,weightkg:63,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"grey",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"My leisure time I spend very active! I love to dance, to go to the gym, to the different courses online and offline, like; the advanced training for work, the English courses, the make-up courses for myself, etc. Also, I love to cook, and a baking is my favourite one. My family knows that on every holiday I bake some cake, or pie, or biscuits.
\nAlso, I love to spend my free time with my family and my friends, we may go to the cinema, theater, café, or simply go for a walk to the park, or to go for a picnic to the forest:).
",partner:"The appearance is not the main feature in a man. Character: educated, decent, reliable, to be responsible for his own words, caring, loving, with a sense of humor.
\nThe marriage is a strong union of 2 partners, support, care, love and understanding without words. This is a desire to develop together and look in the same vector.
",ocenka:"I came to the dating site and the main goal is to create serious relations which will lead to a marriage; happy and healthy marriage, with understanding, friendship, love between two partners.
",family:"For now, my family is not big. I have a mother Tanja and a cat Sophie. My father died in 2008, and it was a big loss in my family. My mother works as an accountant, and she is 54 years old. I have grandparents, but they live in the village, and we go there to visit them, and to help.
\nAlso, to my family members I can add my close friend Anastasia, she is 28 years old, we have known each other for ages, she is a journalist and makeup artist by profession. I can tell that she is like my sister, we lived through many situations together.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"Sincere, educated, purposeful, sociable, well-groomed, housewifely. I love an order in thoughts and in the house. I find aesthetics in everything: in the sunset, in a drop of rain, in the beauty of nature, in the harmony of colors and shapes. I am a creative person, I like to draw, write poems, I like to create something new. I am a romantic person, I like to dream and believe in the best. I am a kind and sympathetic person, I always try to help people in difficult situations. I am a responsible and reliable person, I always fulfill my promises.
",aboutday:"It is hard to describe my typical day, as each day is different. I work as a head of the department of managers in a legal company, so I am there from 9 am till 18 pm, six days a week and after, I have my free time when I go to the gym, or the dancing school, or just spend time at home. On weekends, I like to sleep longer, but again, all depends on my plans for a day:).
",aboutime:"For now, I live with my mother and domestic abilities we share together. Mostly I shop for food, pay bills and bake tasty things on holidays:). ",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"The lady is very kind, lovely, friendly, educated.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Leo",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/oksana-cherkasy-3660/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},3677:{gid:3677,name:"Marina",bd:"1973-09-10",age:51,branch:"Kremenchug",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2023-04-05T15:01:31.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Medical/Health",works:"Chemical analysis laboratory assistant",height:"5,6",height2:168,weight:154,weightkg:70,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"grey",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"Such a wonderful thing to come back home from work and relax. Sometimes I just need the time in silence. Sometimes I like to walk and enjoy the beauty of nature. Also, listening to music is a great passion of mine. Maybe it will be a surprise for you to know... but I like rock music. Maybe ladies of my age are pretty different here. But rock music gives me wings. And I like to listen to music very loud.... So sometimes I am in trouble with my neighbours:) haaha) And well, life is too short:) We need to do what we like and what brings us positive vibes).
",partner:"I am not too demanding... I am not too picky. I do not have any big preference. It is so important to communicate with the person and to feel the spark... it is so important to talk with the person and to forget about everything. I am looking for a man who is ready to make his broken heart happy. And I am looking for a man who will always find something to laugh about even when the situation is too complicated.
",ocenka:"Actually, I have everything in my life... but one thing is missing. Real love is missing. I did do everything for my kids my whole life. My kids are independent now. And I am sure it is the right time for the mommy to be happy. And that is why I am here. My main goal is to find my life partner. I want to find a man who is really ready to enjoy every moment together. We will make this life truly happier together.
",family:"My family is great. I have my parents, and we did overcome everything together. My brother lives not in Ukraine at this moment. He moved to another country with his family long before the war. And I have not seen him for some time already. But we stay in touch) I have two wonderful kids. All of them are independent. And I can see that I did a great job in bringing them up because it is so easy to be proud of them!
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"I am a smart, active, mature lady who has a big loving heart. I do not feel my age at all. You will never say that I am aged:) Because I still have the soul of the woman of 35th) haha) But be sure, my life experience will help me to make the right choice in finding my soul mate.
",aboutday:"My typical day was very different from before the war. My days were full of good emotions... I worked and spent time with my dear people. But now we have more stress in our lives. I try to make every day happier. And it is not that easy to do it when I am without my beloved man. I want to have a strong shoulder near. And my typical days will be just the best.
",aboutime:"Women in Ukraine do everything:) It is not possible to say what I do not do... I am a fan of flowers. I have so many of them at home.... because to my mind, flowers make my flat really cosy) I like when my place is clean... so I do the cleaning pretty often. And still, it helps me to stay active. And it is great at my age)",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship",child_m:1,child_f:1,notes:"Mature lady who is ready to be happy, Marina is not only beautiful but at the same time she has a very bright and cheerful personality. She is a well-educated and well mannered lady.
",wantToHaveChildren:"have not decided yet",zodiac:"Virgo",children:"I have children / 1 boy / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:30,date:"2 October"},{age:22,date:"3 January"}],profile:"/women/marina-kremenchug-3677/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},3762:{gid:3762,name:"Oleksandra",bd:"2000-11-21",age:24,branch:"Kiev",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-02-21T16:58:09.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Marketing",works:"Marketing specialist",height:"5,5",height2:167,weight:130,weightkg:59,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"light-brown",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I am a very creative person, always looking for the good in people and the world around me. When I face problems, I try to find solutions and create opportunities. My optimistic outlook helps me see the positive even in the most difficult situations.
I like to travel, to experience different cultures and I am always eager to learn and meet new people. I need a companion. I appreciate diversity and am open to new perspectives. In my free time, I enjoy reading and enjoying the cinematic work of Christopher Nolan.
I love festivals, concerts, and exhibitions, without which my life would be incomplete.
",partner:"I hope to find a man with a generous heart filled with inner strength and resilience. Someone who is confident in himself but shows respect for others. It is very important that he is empathetic and able to listen and understand the feelings and needs of other people. I admire men who have a great sense of humour and can find a funny side in different situations.
",ocenka:"For the near future, I have several plans and goals that I want to achieve. One of my main goals is to find a life partner. I dream of falling in love and diving into feelings. I also seek to improve my professional skills and knowledge by pursuing further education and participating in learning opportunities in my field.
In addition, I try to keep a balance between work and personal life. I plan to spend time with family, friends, and health. I want to develop, engage in hobbies and discover new interests.
",family:"My family holds a special place in my heart. This is where I grew up and feel most comfortable. I was born and raised in Kyiv, where my parents created a warm and welcoming atmosphere for us. They are incredibly loyal, understanding and loving people. They support me in all my dreams and aspirations, constantly emphasizing that I can achieve everything that I aspire to.
\nAs a child, they cultivated in me the value of friendship, mutual respect and patience. In the future, I hope to create a family that embodies the same love and support as my own. I envision a comfortable and supportive dynamic between us as we support each other in all of our endeavours.
\nI strive for open communication where we can freely express our thoughts and feelings and make decisions together as a family. Having common goals and values is important to me as it will bring us closer together and create a common perspective for the future. I want us to work together on our dreams and plans, support each other and create cherished memories and adventures that will bring us closer together.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am inspired by my mother's example. She is a strong, independent and talented woman who faced many difficulties in life and managed to overcome them. Her determination and self-confidence always motivate me to follow my aspirations and overcome any obstacles that come my way.
\nI believe that everyone has their unique qualities and I strive to improve myself by being open to new experiences and maintaining a positive outlook on life. I hold myself to high standards and always try to do my best in everything I do.
\nI just can't imagine life without music, especially indie rock, which I really love.
",aboutday:"I like to make my days unique rather than following a typical routine. I work in SMM and I have a flexible schedule, which is very convenient. On weekdays, I prefer to get up early to be more productive and have more time. However, on weekends, I sometimes like to sleep and then enjoy brunch. My morning usually starts with coffee and watching the news. Then I have breakfast and answer work emails. The rest of the day is unplanned and I work on content creation and other tasks. In my free time, I like to meet friends and attend cultural events. My job allows me to work from anywhere in the world and I plan to take advantage of this opportunity. Are you with me?
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Relationship",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"She is a kind and genuine girl, with a natural beauty and feminine charm. She is easy to talk to and she can hold a conversation on any topic.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Scorpio",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/oleksandra-kiev-3762/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},3788:{gid:3788,name:"Maryna",bd:"1997-03-07",age:27,branch:"Poltava",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2023-08-18T15:08:38.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Administrative",works:"Administrator",height:"5,8",height2:175,weight:110,weightkg:50,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"light-brown",eyes:"grey",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I adore being active and adore to chill and relax, both).
\nI love to spend my time with interesting and beloved people.
\nI love to drive a car, to work when I am doing something interesting. I like challenges. I like reading. Watching movies, meeting friends). Well, many things. Do not hesitate - just ask), I will tell a lot more).
",partner:"My man needs to know the only thing is that we are the whole together that can't be separated. My man is the one who stands for me whatever surrounding us people say. Who could protect me from life's adversities? Whom I can name my support and next to whom I could be behind the stone wall. And whenever we face difficulties, obstacles, misunderstandings, and arguments together with my man we would try to bring us to the common denominator. I'm searching for a man who knows what is tenderness, warmness, respect, loyalty and responsibility.
",ocenka:"I'm convinced that life could give a person a brilliant opportunity, sometimes once in a lifetime and we must use it. But firstly we should be ready for it. One of my future goals is to develop my skills in cosmetology, receive a medical diploma and become a professional medic. Who knows maybe open my own medical business. And of course, travel a lot with my beloved one:)
",family:"I was brought up in a full family. I'm not the single child in the family, I have got an elder brother. we have 10 years age difference. My family is the place where love, caring support reigns. I have seen my parents reaching an understanding at times when they would have an argument. They always solve any misunderstanding in communication, by finding reasonable answers and arguments. They always remember one important thing we value the most in each other's lives, no matter what happens and what other people say. We look into each other's eyes and find the answer in there.
\nI have more close relations with my mom because she always is open to discussing any women's topics, it's normal.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"You need to know three important angles about me: I am sincere, straightforward and honest. I never betray anyone as would never forgive betrayal. Openminded and friendly. Ready to assist at any time. Love to read and eat some yummy food:) I prefer Ukrainian and Georgian cuisine. I imagine one day I would take you to some good ones in my native city;) You won't regret it!
\nHave some guilty pleasure, to be honest, I love milk chocolate and meringue so much. But be calm, it happens so rarely:)
\nAt weekends I admire listening to good music. I can name myself an absolute melomaniac.
",aboutday:"My days begin early in the morning with a quick breakfast and hurrying to my work. I love my job and feel comfortable at the place I work. Being a director assistant in a cosmetology and laser epilation salon, you could only imagine how busy I am. Such a Busy Bee ;) But nevertheless I love my job, have I already mentioned it ? If you want to know what my typical day is in brief: communication with interesting people, new acquaintances and new interesting information.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Very true person. Feels like she has got a huge energetic storage inside. Her energy leads her to the right life's aim. Definitely, she is full of love and care. She's honest and natural. Her inner genuineness and caring heart never leave you indifferent.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Pisces",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/maryna-poltava-3788/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Beginner"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},3818:{gid:3818,name:"Ruslana",bd:"1998-02-16",age:26,branch:"Kiev",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2023-10-19T14:23:41.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Arts",works:"Ballet dancer",height:"5,2",height2:159,weight:92,weightkg:42,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Sometimes",english:"0",freetime:"In my free time, which I don’t have much of as a ballerina, I try to find a balance between an active lifestyle and relaxation. My life is filled with rehearsals and touring, but there are a few important things that give my life joy and meaning.
\nOne of these things is the charity work that I do to help Ukrainian soldiers. This is my small opportunity to pay tribute to those who serve in the army and support those who find themselves in difficult conditions. I collect funds, send parcels with necessary goods and write letters of gratitude. It makes me happy and gives me a sense of belonging.
\nSpending time in nature and love for the sea and the beach are my way to relax and recharge my batteries because active recreation is an opportunity for me to maintain my physical fitness and diversify my leisure time. Bike travel, hiking, yoga or just running along the coast - give balance and energy to my life.
\nAll these moments make my life real and rich.
",partner:"The man I want must be, above all, sincere and kind. Kindness is the value I value most, and I would like my partner to share my belief in the importance of acts of kindness and empathy for others.
\nI truly believe that true love is built on mutual respect and support. The man of my dreams should be able to support me in my aspirations and ambitions, just as I will support him. We must be a team where everyone feels respected and important.
\nDetermination is another important trait that I value. My partner must have his own goals and dreams and a willingness to work towards achieving them. Together we can inspire each other to grow and develop.
\nThe man of my dreams is someone who enriches my life, inspires me to do great things, and with whom I can build a happy and respectful partnership.
",ocenka:"My future goal is to find a partner who shares my values and supports my aspirations. I dream of a family where mutual understanding and love reign.
\nMy goals represent my passion for ballet and my desire to make the world a brighter and better place. I tend to continue improving my skills and become an integral part of the ballet scene. I want to make my contribution to the arts. I would like to pass on my knowledge and experience to young talents by teaching them ballet. My goal is to help them reach their potential and become outstanding artists. Maybe to start a ballet studio?
\nI also dream of continuing to travel, discover new cultures and be inspired by the diversity of the world.
\nAll my goals fill my life with meaning and passion. I want to make my future man proud of me.
",family:"My family is a source of endless love, support and inspiration. I am surrounded by my mother, stepfather and sister, and they play a special role in my life.
\nMy mother is my reliable support and teacher. She was always there, supporting me in my ballet endeavors and trying to give me self-confidence. My mother and stepfather are an example of love and mutual understanding. Their relationship is a model for me and I am proud of how they support each other in everything.
\nMy sister is the most important person in my life. Her endless admiration for my achievements and her belief in me always motivates me to move forward and achieve greater things.
\nFamily is my refuge and a place where I can be myself. My family taught me the value and importance of close relationships and love. It is thanks to them that I feel strong and ready for new challenges in life. My family is my forever support and source of inspiration.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"Art is my passion, my muse, my way of self-expression. From a very early age I was immersed in the world of grace, movement and music, and it has since become an integral part of my life.
\nMy kindness is what matters to me. I believe that even small acts of kindness can change the world. I strive to do good and support those around me, be it family, friends or strangers. My openness and desire to support others help me form deep connections with people.
\nI am purposeful and focused on achieving my goals. Ballet requires work and constant dedication, and I am ready for this challenge.
\nAnd yet, behind all these aspects of my personality there is one important desire - to bring beauty into this world. Ballet is my way of sharing this beauty, my way of telling the world how amazing and multifaceted it is.
",aboutday:"My usual day starts at dawn. As a professional ballerina, early morning is the time for morning exercises and stretching. This is an integral part of my preparation for a hard day of training and rehearsals.
\nAfter my morning exercises, I enjoy a cup of aromatic coffee. This magical drink helps me prepare for an active day))
\nThen I can find time for my favourite book. I like to plunge into the world of my illusions for a while)
\nLunch is an important time for me. I try to cook healthy and balanced meals to keep my body in great shape. This is not only part of taking care of my health, but also a little joy during the day)
\nIn the afternoon, I often go to training or rehearsal, where I improve my ballet skills!
\nEvening is my time to meet open-minded and interesting people. I enjoy the company of those who share my passion for art and cultural diversity. I like to meet colleagues or friends in cafes where we share our experiences and discuss our plans and projects.
\nMy day is usually quite busy, but there is no mention of my loved one in my usual day, and this makes me very sad. Support, understanding and love are the things that can inspire and give wings not only to one partner, but to two. So maybe this is you?
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"The opinion about Ruslana cannot be other than positive and admiring. She is an exceptional person who inspires us with her talent, kindness and determination. Ruslana is an open person who greets everyone who comes into her life with respect and warmth. Her ability to form deep connections with people and be a support to friends and family is an immeasurable gift.
\n",wantToHaveChildren:"2",zodiac:"Aquarius",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/ruslana-kiev-3818/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},3929:{gid:3929,name:"Olena",bd:"1995-10-13",age:29,branch:"Chornomorsk",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-02-01T16:38:05.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Food",works:"Baker, photographer",height:"5,9",height2:177,weight:128,weightkg:58,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"0",english:"0",freetime:"I am a person who loves to stay busy and get there towards the goals that I have in life. Life should always be different, life should inspire you to do great things. I love what I do and I love to cook. I am also a model and I like that...I have learned many things in my free time. I also enjoy being a photographer where I capture the beauty of each moment and second.
\nMost of all I enjoy cooking something tasty at home for close people) Exploring the world around me is amazing as well))
",partner:"I want to find a man who will complement me in my life. I want him to be responsible, the one who loves kids and animals. The one who is respectful towards his woman and family. I want my man to be kind, open-minded, generous, and successful in what he does in life. I also hope he is going to enjoy travelling, likes to try new things in life)
\nFor me love is freedom, respect towards each other, attention, care and warm and sincere love)))
",ocenka:"I have a nice goal in life it is to meet a man who is going to complement me, and love me and I will do the same. Together we can make it all happen in life.
\nI also have that one goal to one day be there on a catwalk during the Paris Fashion Week))
\nAlso to develop my photography skills.
\n",family:"I can't share a great story of my family as since being very young I had to rely only on myself in this world and I am fine with it. I have a great example of how I do not want my family to be. I will do everything possible to make a nice family in life for myself.
\nI have my dog Archie) Also, I have my friends who are there for me in life. That is so precious!
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"I believe in myself. I believe that I can make my future great and that is in my hands. I always motivate myself and I have enough of that to motivate my partner as well in life.
\nLife is beautiful and we make it to be a better future for ourselves every second of our life.
\n",aboutday:"I like to wake up, enjoy some yoga and nice relaxing time if I have a chance. When I need to be at work early I prefer to work out before starting my working day. In the evening I love to relax and read, and sometimes watch a movie. When the weather is good outside I love to walk, enjoy time with friends and walk more with my dog.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Olena is a very beautiful, responsible and kind lady. She has a charming smile, a welcoming personality. Persistent when it is needed and important. A person with a kind heart and great character.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Libra",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/olena-chornomorsk-3929/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},3935:{gid:3935,name:"Olha",bd:"1987-08-12",age:37,branch:"Kremenchug",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-02-19T16:18:09.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Other",works:"Oriental dance teacher",height:"5,10",height2:180,weight:143,weightkg:65,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"black",eyes:"hazel",smoke:"No",drink:"Sometimes",english:"0",freetime:"I do not think I have much free time in my life at this moment. I mean my life is full of many interesting things. I work in the best direction ever. And the main advantage is that my work is my hobby. I like dancing so much. And of course, I enjoy spending time dancing and learning something new. I try to develop my skills when I have my leisure time. At the same time, I always dedicate time to my son as well. My life is not boring. My life is not calm. I love my life. And I am sure that I have found my calling. And it is a very important thing for a woman!
",partner:"I value intelligence, responsibility, decency, and masculinity in men. Also courage, kindness and a caring nature. I want my man to be attentive and respectful towards me and my family. My man should be gentle, sensitive, reliable and, of course, self-confident. And the main thing is to meet the man who is really ready to forget about all the painful moments in his life and start building a happy future with me!
",ocenka:"Actually, I have everything I want in my life except one thing. I do not have my life partner, my best friend, my lover, my soul mate near. And I am going to change it. I decided to find the right man for me here. And my intuition said that I was doing the right thing. So I am not going to stop. I want to give my heart in loving and tender hands. I want to find a man who will never betray me. I want to have my own strong family and days full of happiness.
",family:"I have many things to tell about my family because my family is just wonderful. I have two brothers. And all of them have their own families. One brother of mine doesn't live in my city so unfortunately we do not meet very often. And still, my family likes to gather together. We always celebrate big and important holidays together. It makes us closer and of course, it makes our bond stronger. We feel happy when we are together.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"In addition to dancing, I am involved in judging at competitions and festivals (also abroad in Germany, Stuttgart, I performed several times, gave a master class and judged at the competitions in 2018, 2019, and 2023). At the same time, I create the design of oriental costumes, I decorate costumes (exclusively handmade) I also enjoy sports, such as stretching, the gym, and the swimming pool. I love walks in the fresh air, and picnics. Moreover, I like visiting saunas, hammams, spa salons, and massages.
",aboutday:"I try to start my day with a smile. I am sure it is just the beginning of the day. And it will bring me more and more positive emotions. Also, I can't imagine my day without a tasty breakfast. I try to cook with my son more often:) Yes, the kitchen can be pretty messy after such a morning but who cares:) The main thing is to get good vibes, a wonderful mood and the best motivation for the whole day!
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating",child_m:1,child_f:0,notes:"Olha is a very beautiful tall lady. She has a wonderful sense of humour and a cheerful smile. She is a very confident woman with exact goals. Olha is a very motivated person with a heart full of love. It is easy to see how caring and loving she is.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Leo",children:"I have children / 1 boy ",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:4,date:"4 February"}],profile:"/women/olha-kremenchug-3935/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},4093:{gid:4093,name:"Olena",bd:"1971-11-26",age:52,branch:"Kremenchug",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-06-20T07:03:20.000Z",isBirthDay:!0,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"No",occupation:"",works:"cosmetologist",height:"5,3",height2:162,weight:123,weightkg:56,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"hazel",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I am a busy woman, I usually have a lot of work every day, I drink a glass of water in the morning and do a light run. Since I work for myself, I always have time for routine things.
\nOf course, I don't mind spending time usefully. Playing sports, cycling, or even hiking in the mountains.
\nI'm not one to lie on the couch. I love to open up new horizons and discover my love for everything new within me.
\nI often go to nature with my daughter, go to the forest, and just relax from the bustle of the city.
\nSo usually I can cook in the evenings, I like to experiment with baking, although I don't eat much myself because I watch my figure.
",partner:"I am looking for an adult, purposeful man who has experience and goals in life.
\nTo be kind and open. A connoisseur of natural female beauty and a bit of a romantic.
\nOf course, I'm not looking for the perfect man, it doesn't matter to me whether he earns millions or is an ordinary person. Feelings are revealed only in attitude.
\nThere are no perfect people, and if it is my man, I am ready to do anything with him, open up to him, and give him my heart.
",ocenka:"My future plans are to meet a decent old age with a loved one. Meet a good and kind man, see the world with him, and of course, raise children and give them a good future.
\nIn our time, there are so few people left who support real and traditional family values, I want to be one of those who will continue this tradition and show what a real Ukrainian woman can be.
",family:"I have been divorced for many years because my ex-husband and I did not see eye to eye and our love faded because he was no longer interested in me.
\nNow I live with my daughter and I am glad that she stayed with me.
\nI give her a decent upbringing and a good experience for her future life.
\nShe supports me in everything, as I support her.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a very sincere and gentle woman. From the height of my years, I can already really say what a man wants and how to make him happy.
\nI can call myself smart, and well-mannered, of course, I have a character that helps me to be stronger in difficult times.
",aboutday:"Usually, my day begins with a warm glass of water and then a jog. Now I don't have time to work out in the fitness room and therefore I try to take care of my body myself. Nature always supports natural beauty and this helps me in life.
\nI stick to a healthy diet and try to feel less stressed.
\nBut I can also go to my favorite café and order a croissant with coffee because I think that sometimes a real lady should pamper herself with something.
\nI like to read different literature, both fiction and psychological. I want to set goals for myself every day and fulfil them. After morning sports, it always helps me to recharge my energy for the whole day.
\nI can also do at home, practice yoga and stretching, I want to be young always and look so that my future husband would see me as a beautiful young girl.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:1,notes:"Olena is a woman who deserves a million roses. This is how you can describe this gentle, mature, and beautiful person.
\nShe fascinates with her smile at first sight. Her charisma, sense of humour, and feminine charm will not leave any man indifferent.
\nShe lacks a good life partner to fill him with her love and care.
",wantToHaveChildren:"1",zodiac:"Sagittarius",children:"I have children / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:27,date:"9 August"}],profile:"/women/olena-kremenchug-4093/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Advanced"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:"today"},4391:{gid:4391,name:"Ruslana",bd:"1985-07-02",age:39,branch:"Nikolaev",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-07-09T14:18:43.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Management",works:"Manager of an agritourism business",height:"5,4",height2:163,weight:117,weightkg:53,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"light-brown",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Sometimes",english:"0",freetime:"Yoga is my primary passion, which I've been practising for five years. I find relaxation and bodywork activities immensely enjoyable. Reading is another love of mine; it brings both peace and upliftment, especially with a warm cup of tea in hand. My favoutire writer is Paulo Coelho. Despite these solitary pleasures, I also cherish socializing. I'm deeply intrigued by people, perhaps due to my interest in psychology. Among them, my sister is someone I particularly enjoy spending time with; we're like kindred spirits.
",partner:"I appreciate honesty and sincerity in men. Among other qualities, it is important to me that a man is friendly and caring. Someone with whom I can have a good laugh and be very open. I value individuals who care about their family, support traditions, and can be relied upon.
",ocenka:"I want to see the world. Our lives are too brief to spend in one place. There are numerous wonderful destinations on Earth that I want to visit and discover. Travel broadens viewpoints, nurtures empathy, and encourages open-mindedness. It allows you to learn from others, discover new customs, and see the beauty and challenges that different parts of the world have to offer. And my main goal is to find a man with whom I can enjoy the whole world together, share experiences and be in harmony.
",family:"I grew up in a big family with two siblings, an older brother and a sister. We had warm relationships with each other. Our parents always cared about us and provided everything so we could become good people. Family traditions were highly valued, and we spent a lot of time together. Help, support, and caring were the core values of my family. Among all my relatives, I am closest to my sister because she understands me so well. Now, I have a son of my own, and I try to give him all the love and care I can. Even though he lives with his dad, we are very close to each other.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I consider myself to be an open and friendly person. I am easygoing and constantly eager for new activities and experiences. By nature, I am kind, loving, and sympathetic. I grew calmer after adding yoga into my life since it helped me harmonise my thoughts and body.
",aboutday:"I wake up quite early to have some time for myself before work. I do stretching and follow my morning routine before heading to work. In the evening, I come home, cook dinner, and relax by watching a movie or reading a book.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:1,child_f:0,notes:"We would describe Ruslana as a pleasant, smiling person who makes everyone around her feel good. She is a very smart and intriguing woman with whom you can talk about absolutely anything. Ruslana is a feminine, kind woman.
",wantToHaveChildren:"have not decided yet",zodiac:"Cancer",children:"I have children / 1 boy ",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:16,date:"11 July"}],profile:"/women/ruslana-nikolaev-4391/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Polish",title:"Intermediate"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},4540:{gid:4540,name:"Inna",bd:"2002-07-26",age:22,branch:"Cherkasy",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-07-25T13:20:20.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Administrative",works:"Hotel and restaurant business/Administrator",height:"5,6",height2:170,weight:123,weightkg:56,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I like to spend my free time active and fun. Every Monday and every Friday I go to the gym. I believe that sport is healthy. In addition, classes help me to stay in shape. On other days in the evenings, I meet with friends. We walk around the city together, enjoying the fresh air. Also, I like to read a book before bedtime. One of my favorites is Go where it's scary. And you will have what you dream of by Jim Lawless.
\nEvery weekend, my friends and I try to visit some interesting places. For example, go to nature, the Zoo, a water park or a nearby city. Travel is my life. It fills each of us with new impressions and positive emotions. I really like to spend my free time discovering this world.
",partner:"I want to meet a purposeful, self-confident, emotionally stable man full of love, care and a good sense of humour. Responsible not only for his own life and family but also for his business and those around him. Despite his social status and appearance, he is responsible for his actions, because it is impossible to trust someone who transfers his own guilt or performance of important tasks to others.
",ocenka:"My main goal is a happy family. Also, I want to travel around the world with my soul mate. I have one life, and I want to see as many interesting places as possible. I want to visit all seven wonders of the world, most countries in Europe, see New York, swim in the ocean and climb to the top of Mountain.
",family:"I grew up in a loving and caring family. I have a father, a mother and an older brother. We always actively spent time together, and went to rest at the sea, in nature. I feel so lucky to have them in my life as we used to stay close and support each other.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am engaged in self-realization, I constantly work on myself, improve my skills and develop new ones.
",aboutday:"I want to see this world with a lot of good people, beautiful nature, and people who love and support you. That's why I start my day positively. As I have no other way to be like this during hard times. I like my work and all the possibilities this life gives me but I miss my soul mate near with whom I can share this special vibe.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Very beautiful, wise, loving, kind, devoted woman.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Leo",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/inna-cherkasy-4540/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Intermediate"},{language:"Polish",title:"Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},4541:{gid:4541,name:"Daria",bd:"1992-06-29",age:32,branch:"Kremenchug",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-07-25T13:36:37.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Other",works:"Beauty master in permanent make up",height:"5,5",height2:167,weight:123,weightkg:56,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I always try to manage my time wisely. I enjoy my work, and communication with my clients, making them feel more confident and beautiful.
\nI like to make sure my home is clean, there is always delicious food ready. Spending time with my daughters, and my friends.
",partner:"I am looking for a reliable, kind and calm man. I hate fighting, I would rather solve any problems with a conversation.
\nRespect and care for your partner is very important to me. The moment when you enjoy each other company, you feel calm and safe together. Everything goes so naturally - this is the kind of happiness I am looking for.
",ocenka:"I have always wanted to have something like my own business. I enjoy shopping so I dream of opening my shop for clothes. There are many places in the world I would love to visit. Tour around Europe with my family for example. We need to live this life to the fullest especially with the hard situation in the world now.
",family:"I grew up in Kremenchuk, in a loving family with my parents and my brother. He is 15 years younger than me but we are still close. I like to be able to provide him with support and advice when he needs it. I appreciated growing up surrounded by love, humour, respect, and support. This is what I want to have in my future family.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"No matter what is happening, I will always stay true to myself. Family is my priority, there is nothing I wouldn't do for my loved ones to be happy.
",aboutday:"I always wake up early, take a shower, prepare a cup of coffee, and help girls get ready for their day. After that, we drive together where we need to go. Some time for work, shopping for groceries with girls, and making dinner together. I enjoy making new meals I have never tried before. To watch an interesting movie before bed and get ready to sleep.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:2,notes:"The way she talks about her dreams and desires makes it clear that the lady is ready to find a man to share a life with. Such a kind, loving, and funny lady.
",wantToHaveChildren:"0",zodiac:"Cancer",children:"I have children / 2 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:9,date:"1 February"},{age:8,date:"2 October"}],profile:"/women/daria-kremenchug-4541/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},4676:{gid:4676,name:"Elena",bd:"1993-11-11",age:31,branch:"Kiev",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-08-09T14:56:34.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Medical/Health",works:"Anesthetist",height:"5,4",height2:165,weight:132,weightkg:60,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"In recent years, I devoted myself to raising a child, but this inspired me even more to spend time with my family and to appreciate my loved ones. In addition, I love spending time in nature, admiring the scenery, and swimming. I hope to share my preferences with a loved one!
",partner:"I want to see a man next to me who will love and protect me, who I don’t need to beg to take my time. I want this to be a man behind whom I will feel like I am behind a stone wall and will never disappointed in his actions, because I have already been burned once and I don’t want to repeat the same thing again. In truth, my man will do everything to make me happy and will always lend a helping hand, and I, in turn, will support and motivate him in everything!
",ocenka:"One of my goals is to have my own home. This is the goal that I have been striving for a very long time. But the fact that I appeared on this site means that I am open to new acquaintances and my goal is the desire to create a strong, loving, happy family. I hope I succeed because I always get what I want!
",family:"Of course, the most important thing for me is my family. I love my parents very much and their home is a cozy place where I can come at any time and they will listen to me and support me in any situation. I want to create the same warm relationship with my children. I believe that a family is a place of strength that should fill each of its members. We love getting together for a picnic or we drink tea in a cozy home environment while talking.
",handed:"left-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am an ordinary girl, not a model, not a star. But despite this, I consider myself quite attractive. Like most girls, I want to be looked after, I want to feel protected. Yes, I'm not perfect in everything, but I always strive to become the best version of myself. I can be different: serious, cheerful, housewife and not so much, that’s why it’s never boring with me!
",aboutday:"Everything is very banal. Every morning I prepare breakfast, and then, if it’s a weekday, I go to work. In the evening I come, spend time with the child, prepare dinner and go to bed. On a day off, I also prepare breakfast in the morning. And further plans are not permanent, since the child is small. But I try to spend time with my son. We usually go to playgrounds, to cafes or go to my parents for a picnic in the warm season. In my free time, I like to be alone, dream and concentrate on my desires and goals.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:1,child_f:0,notes:"This girl is a very interesting person. She combines work, raising a child and household responsibilities. The girl values family relationships very much and this is one of the main criteria in choosing a companion (in our opinion). She writes all the information about herself sincerely and without deception. Reading her portfolio, we can notice that the girl evokes only pleasant emotions with her sincerity and ease.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Scorpio",children:"I have children / 1 boy ",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:3,date:"25 December"}],profile:"/women/elena-kiev-4676/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Beginner"},{language:"Russian",title:"Basic"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},5090:{gid:5090,name:"Valeriia",bd:"2001-08-16",age:23,branch:"Poltava",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-09-19T11:16:26.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Education",works:"English teacher",height:"5,7",height2:172,weight:143,weightkg:65,konstit:"petite",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"In my free time, I like to do fitness activities. Sport has a huge place and importance in my life and I love it very much. I also love jogging after work because it helps me unload from unnecessary thoughts and immerse myself. I love the active lifestyle!)
\nI also love coffee walks with my friends - it inspires me a lot) But I hope that someday coffee walks with girlfriends will be replaced by romantic coffee walks with my beloved)
",partner:"I dream of finding a respectful, responsible, loving, reliable and attentive man.
\nI believe that love is possible when both believe in it and I believe in my love. I also know that love and relationships are hard work and I am ready to work, compromise and talk to solve all the problems and go through all the hardships together.
",ocenka:"My future goal is to build a family based on good values, real and traditional family values. I dream of waking up in a house that I built and furnished together with my man, cooking breakfast for our whole family, cuddling in the morning and going to work happy and inspired! My dream is simple - I want to be happy in the future and I believe that happiness always accompanies love.
",family:"My family is close-knit and friendly) I am the only child in the family, so I have a special bond with my parents. I have a few secrets with my mom and I can share almost everything with her. My dad is loving and funny, he is an example of a real man to me. I love my family very much and I can say that I am proud of all of us.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I would describe myself as an interesting, active, easy-going, kind, friendly and fun girl. I have a couple more secrets, but I won't reveal them all - it's better if someone special finds out everything about me))
",aboutday:"My typical day starts with stretching, beauty treatments, and the fact that I'm already rushing to work)) I hate being late, so I always keep track of time. Every day I have classes with my kids - I teach them English. I have to admit that I enjoy my job and working with children can be a lot of fun)
\nDuring my lunch break, I go for a coffee with a colleague, and after work, I do sports or read a book. Reading is my main hobby (I can find a thousand books on my shelf ;)
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Lera is a sweet and cool girl! She is friendly, nice and she is respectful. We enjoyed meeting her and really hope to help her find her soulmate.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Leo",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/valeriia-poltava-5090/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},5234:{gid:5234,name:"Nataliia",bd:"1992-03-01",age:32,branch:"Ivano-Frankovsk",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-09-28T00:59:47.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Legal",works:"Lawyer",height:"5,2",height2:160,weight:112,weightkg:51,konstit:"",haircolor:"black",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"In my free time, I like to cook. I like to try new things and I am always looking for new recipes. I also love walking and spending a lot of time outside with my children while it's warm.
\nI also want to say that my job is my hobby and I love what I do. That's why I'm always in a good mood and positive.When I have free time from work, I also volunteer and help other people.
",partner:"I believe that we are not all perfect, so appearance does not play a role for me. However, I like it when a man takes care of himself. It is very important for me that a man is caring and faithful. I also want him to be open, and we can discuss everything, always help each other, understand each other, and support each other.
\n",ocenka:"My most important dream is to find the person with whom I can build the family I have been dreaming of for a long time. It is very important for me to be loved and to give my love to someone. I would also like to have more children if my partner wants it too.
\nI also want to be successful in my work because I really like it.
\nI would love to travel and my dream is to visit the USA. It is a very beautiful country with beautiful nature and cities.
\n",family:"I was born in a large family. It consists of my father, mother, brother, sister and me. My parents are the closest people to me who know everything about me. I have always known that I can be safe with them, they will always support and help me. I have a very good relationship with my brother and sister. We always helped each other and communicated well. I would really like to have such a warm relationship in my family.
",handed:"left-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I can describe myself as a brave woman who is not afraid of challenges and problems. I am mature enough to understand what kind of relationship I want and do everything to build it. I am a very loving, caring, and tender woman. I love to take care and show my love.
",aboutday:"My day starts very early because I have to cook breakfast and help my son get ready for school. After that, I start working. In my free time, I go to the gym because it's important for me to keep fit.
\nThen I pick up my son from school and prepare dinner. In the evening, we play board games together, discuss things, and if they need help with their homework.
\nFamily values and comfort at home are very important to me.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:2,child_f:0,notes:"Natalia is a very nice and beautiful woman. She is very friendly, polite and kind. She has beautiful black hair and brown eyes. She also has a nice figure and looks very good. She is very eager to find a future husband and has strong family values.
",wantToHaveChildren:"3",zodiac:"Pisces",children:"I have children / 2 boy ",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:8,date:"20 October"},{age:2,date:"25 February"}],profile:"/women/nataliia-ivano-frankovsk-5234/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},5370:{gid:5370,name:"Iryna",bd:"1993-03-03",age:31,branch:"Kremenchug",mailflag:"girls",isNew:1,register:"2024-10-02T13:49:57.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Education",works:"head of the children's club",height:"5,1",height2:155,weight:143,weightkg:65,konstit:"petite",haircolor:"black",eyes:"grey",smoke:"No",drink:"Sometimes",english:"0",freetime:"I spend all my free time either with my daughter or alone. I love to make a cup of tea and just watch the sunset from the window of my house.
\nThe child also has his friends, so when we have time, we spend it together, watching some movie, playing board games, or just going shopping, buying cotton candy, and going on rides.
\nI also like rollerblading, when my son learned to ride, we rode together.
",partner:"Everyone can have a dream man. I believe that there are no perfect people, and everything is learned in communication and marriage.
\nI would like him to be kind to children because I love children very much, and he would respect me and appreciate the time spent together.
\nTo be responsible, to have a good sense of humour, and of course to give confidence in our relationship.
",ocenka:"I want to meet a reliable man and loving man and, of course, realize myself as a woman at work and in family life.
",family:"I have a father and a mother. And my older sister, who is 6 years older than me. She lives far from us, so we rarely see each other. Basically, the most important person in my life is my mother. I can consult with her and, of course, just spend time. I also have a son, whose name is Savely, he is 10 years old.
\nI love my family and believe that loyalty is the most important thing in life.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:'I am a very purposeful woman, gentle and dreamy. I love the simplest gestures of attention, I love to be the only one. My favourite flower is the water lily, I love the sweet aroma of vanilla, and I often drink tea and listen to rock. Which, of course, is not typical for a girl, but I calm down so much. I love music in general. I really like to eat chocolate with coconut flavour and watch science fiction and movies such as The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.
\nAnd I also like to read sometimes, my favourite book by Jack London is "Martin Eden".
',aboutday:"My typical day is pretty routine. I work in a kindergarten as a teacher. Early in the morning at 7 am, I need to be at work. Working with children is very exhausting. Therefore, I work and get very tired until the last child is taken away by the parents.
\nOn weekends, I can do things that I don't have time to do on weekdays, go shopping, go for a walk, or clean the apartment.
\nI find time for sports, dance, and go to the gym.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:1,child_f:0,notes:"Iryna is a very loving, caring woman. She knows how to raise children, knows how to find an approach to anyone and dreams of becoming loving. She has strong-willed character traits and a bright sense of humour.
\nShe can support any conversation and is quite an intelligent woman.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Pisces",children:"I have children / 1 boy ",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:9,date:"17 December"}],profile:"/women/iryna-kremenchug-5370/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Advanced"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:""},birthdayLabel:null},6947:{gid:6947,name:"Svetlana",bd:"2001-01-17",age:23,branch:"Zhytomyr",mailflag:"girls",isNew:1,register:"2024-11-26T15:39:45.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Education",works:" Teacher ",height:"5,6",height2:168,weight:114,weightkg:52,konstit:"petite",haircolor:"light-brown",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"In my free time, I enjoy simple yet fulfilling activities. I love reading books that inspire me, going for long walks to enjoy the beauty of nature, and occasionally trying my hand at creative writing. Spending time with close friends or family is also important to me—I value meaningful conversations and laughter. On quieter days, I enjoy watching movies, listening to music, or dreaming about future travels.
",partner:"The man I desire is kind, loyal, and emotionally mature. He should have a good sense of humour and an open heart. I admire someone who is supportive, confident without arrogance, and who knows how to make his partner feel loved and appreciated. Honesty and trust are the foundation of what I’m looking for.
",ocenka:"I dream of building a strong and loving family, creating a home filled with warmth and happiness. Professionally, I hope to grow in ways that allow me to balance work and personal life harmoniously. Travelling to new places and experiencing other cultures is also a dream I hope to share with someone special.
",family:"My family is my source of strength and joy. We are very close and support each other in every situation. I have siblings whom I adore, and our bond is one of unconditional love and mutual respect. Family gatherings are always full of laughter and good memories.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I consider myself a kind and optimistic woman who values sincerity and compassion. I am romantic by nature but also practical when it comes to achieving my dreams. I enjoy the small joys in life and believe in creating a meaningful connection with someone who shares my values and outlook.
",aboutday:"A typical day for me starts with a good breakfast and some light exercise to stay active. I spend my day either working or pursuing personal projects. In the evenings, I like to relax, maybe cook a new recipe, or take a walk in the park. I always end my day with a good book or journal to reflect on the day.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"She is a woman of depth and charm, someone who carries herself with grace and confidence. Her warm personality and sense of purpose make her truly special. She is the kind of person who will nurture love and harmony in any relationship she builds.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Capricorn",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/svetlana-zhytomyr-6947/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},7440:{gid:7440,name:"Anna",bd:"1981-06-30",age:43,branch:"Kiev",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2019-03-22T15:16:01.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Education",works:"primary school teacher ",height:"5,3",height2:161,weight:121,weightkg:55,konstit:"petite",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"grey",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I am working single mom so my free time is pretty limited. Mostly, my daughter and I do something together. Also, I like sports, theater, shopping, walks, traveling, reading, watching movies. We like drawing very much and also plan to attend vocal lessons. If only there were more hours in the day :) As sometimes I do not have time for everything I wish to do :) Where you can't find me is sitting and doing nothing :)
",partner:"The most important in a man for me are kindness and sincerity. I like men with good sense of humor, who are clever and ready to be head of the family. To be supportive and understanding is also important. I know I can be a good wife and make our home a nest where it is always pleasant to come back after a long day.
",ocenka:"My main goal is to find a good man and to be a great wife and mother. Family is always my priority. Also, I dream to open a beauty salon. I have been for long in this business and I know how to make it good and profitable. And I like to make people more beautiful :)
",family:"My family is not numerous. My parents divorced when I was a child. I was raised by my father and grandma. We are in very good relations. Now I live together with my daughter. She is a very nice girl. Kind, talented and creative :) She likes dancing and to sing :)
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love. I am an open person who is honest for the world and for the people in my thoughts and desires. I am sure we may find common goals, desires, hobbies, as I like to do a lot of things) Cooking, cycling, reading and listening to music makes me feel better).
",aboutday:"I like to wake up early. You can find me cooking breakfast at 6 AM. After it I take my daughter to school. And then I rush to kindergarten where I work two times a week. Later I go to my work . But in the evening I need to go to school to take my girl home. In the evening we try to spend some time together, doing something fun :)
",aboutime:"There is of course always something to do. But I try not to be crazy or a cleaning maniac :) I try to do something every day so it would not be a huge mess. It saves time :) I can do anything about the house of course. But most of all I love cooking and ironing :)",seeking:"Marriage",child_m:0,child_f:1,notes:"Lady is very sweet, calm, and an interesting interlocutor. She knows how to be a good partner and is ready to have a family.
",wantToHaveChildren:"0",zodiac:"Cancer",children:"I have children / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:15,date:"15 June"}],profile:"/women/anna-kiev-7440/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Native"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},8456:{gid:8456,name:"Tanusha",bd:"1998-06-01",age:26,branch:"Poltava",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2020-03-10T15:24:40.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Medical/Health",works:"I'm doing an internship now. ",height:"5,9",height2:176,weight:128,weightkg:58,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"Don't want to be boring or banal here:) . I do same things as other people: read books, do sports, meet up with friends, watch movies, sing)))) I do everything to make a new day better than the other ...What is the secret ? You may ask ... it is happiness inside of your heart. Happiness is in small things, sometimes its enough just to look around. Do you agree?
",partner:"Good question... There is a state that girls look for a partner who would remind her father. In some way it is true. My father is a role model for me. He is strong with his spirit, he always protects us, he has a great sense of humor. I would like to find the man like him.
\nDo you think you can be my man ? :)
",ocenka:"I want to become a successful dermatologist, help people to be healthy and beautiful. Also I am interested in psychology. And I am sure my knowledge will not only help others, but also my future partner and me to create a good relationship. For me family should be a fortress.
",family:"I am a lucky person, my parents raised me in love and care. I have an older sister who has been my best friend and motivator since we were kids. She is very creative and we always had much fun together playing different games. We are the best friends and supporters to each other.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"It's hard to tell what kind of person I am. Probably, I am modest, hard-working, straightforward, I am not selfish and like to help. I am friendly, maybe a little bit shy, strong and fragile both at the same time. You can ask me : )
",aboutday:"My day starts usually very early, the first part of day I spend studying. After lessons I like to meet with my friends in our favorite cafe, drink latte and discuss the latest news of the day. I live separately from my parents so all house chores is my duty, too. I like to keep my place clean and neat
",aboutime:"Ukrainian women are the best housewives... at least I heard about it :) I live alone and I don't have a maid. I can do any kind of chores at home and it has never been a problem for me, but of course with my partner it would be much funnier to do all things around the house together.",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Fun,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"She is a nice person, intelligent, serious, and well-educated. We believe that she can be a stable and reliable life partner for someone.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Gemini",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/tanusha-poltava-8456/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},8727:{gid:8727,name:"Olya",bd:"1994-09-04",age:30,branch:"Cherkasy",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2020-08-14T15:43:26.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Services",works:"Fitness trainer",height:"5,4",height2:163,weight:110,weightkg:50,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I adore nature and try to spend a lot of time outёdoors with my dog. Sometimes I meet my friends. Also I go to the gym and the pool. Then I go home cooking, because I like it so much. My best award is to see my family happy and satisfied.
",partner:"It will be a real miracle to find my soul mate, whom I can trust, love, feel support, understand and we can be always honest with each other. I am going to love him with all my heart and will do everything for him. I think everything is possible if we have a desire. I hope my sweet man is waiting for me).
",ocenka:"My big dream is to find my man, my soulmate with whom I can build a happy family, because I am a family oriented woman. I am a one man woman who needs love and care. Also, it will be amazing to open a small fitness studio where I can achieve all my goals in reality.
",family:"I am very lucky to live in such family as mine. I adore my parents. They are my best friends, we always can talk in any topic and have fun together. Also I have an elder brother we have very close relations with him. Always support and help each other in any situation.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"Every person is unique but with me you will see how various and full of emotions your life can be.
",aboutday:"My morning starts with a tasty breakfast and a cup of coffee. Then I go to work, where I train my hardworking ladies. I am so proud of such people who is not afraid to change their life for the better. I am very glad that I can be a part of it. Then I have time for myself. When I back home I usually take my dog and we walk around. Finish my day with preparing tasty dinner.
",aboutime:"I love to cook a lot. It's my passion. I used to cook every day. My family knows that they are going to have always fresh and tasty food. I think it's very important for woman to have such knowledge, especially when she is family oriented and very caring. That's why my husband will be never hungry with such a woman like me. ",seeking:"Marriage,Relationship",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"A very beautiful and confident woman, who is ready to have her own family.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Virgo",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/olya-cherkasy-8727/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},9004:{gid:9004,name:"Irina",bd:"1986-06-15",age:38,branch:"Poltava",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2021-06-18T15:15:22.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Government",works:"lawyer, jurist",height:"5,4",height2:163,weight:130,weightkg:59,konstit:"petite",haircolor:"light-brown",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I always try to spend my leisure time with benefits for physical and mental health. I believe that the best rest is a change of activity. I have a very responsible job and sports helps to relax from it. Basically, these are running and yoga classes.
\nI really like nature walks, hikes, campfires with friends. Sometimes I even go to the forest to collect mushrooms. But it's a risk case. I am always distracted by beautiful views and imagine that I am in a fairytale wood.)))))) I think that if I am alone, I can completely get lost.)))) I need a sort of guide for returning me to reality at such moments.)))
\nBy the way, sometimes I draw.))) This occupation embodies all my fantasies on paper. Interesting combo, isn't it? Lawyer, yogist, a little artist, and tourist in one person.))) LOL))) But here I am.)))
",partner:"I value the ability to love in a man, as in people in general. Appearance, age, and material wealth are not particularly important to me. For me, a man is a foundation that holds the whole family, and qualities such as adherence to principles, loyalty, moral stamina, the ability to protect your family, and decency play a fundamental role.
\nI want to have a lot in common with my man, such as being against smoking and alcohol in large quantities. I really want my man to support me in this matter.
",ocenka:"The main thing I am striving for now and what I want, and what I plan is to be happy and enjoy life. Specifically, I want to achieve development in my career. It is very important for me to be financially independent.
\nSometimes I am just overflowed by energy and I feel that I can conquer the whole world. But sometimes I need to feel small and fragile. I am ready to show this side of my soul only to a worthy man.
\nI also think about creating my own family. I dream of having a child. I'm sure I'll be a good mom.
",family:"The most important and valuable thing in life is family. The first is the one you are given by birth, and the next is the one that you create yourself. The family where I was born consists of 6 people. We are very friendly and happy. I love my parents very much. When I was a child, they never scolded me, even if I was to blame, but only explained the mistake. I think this is a great parenting method. I will adhere to the same canons when I create my family. We all help each other and try to never swear. I have an older sister. She is two years older than me. We are very close.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"I'm a responsible and morally strong person, but inside I feel like a small and sweet princess. I am feminine and love to take care of myself. It is important for me to look nice and tidy. In any situation, I do not betray my principles. I'm trying to love myself as I am. I am sure that soon I will meet a man who will like everything about me and even my disadvantages.
\nAlthough, what am I talking about? Just kidding. Of course, I have small harmful demons in my head. But I made friends with them. As you can see, one of them is my weird sense of humor. But with me it is never boring.
",aboutday:"My typical day usually follows this plan:
\nWake up at 5:40 in the morning; A small sports charge for the body to wake up; Hearty breakfast (before meals I always drink a glass of water, sometimes with lemon); Work from 8 am till 5 pm; Then training running or yoga; After classes of sports it is necessary to eat; I go to bed at about 11 pm.
\nSometimes I break up this schedule with a meeting with friends over a cup of coffee or a stroll around the city. I would like to have more fun living my everyday life, or have more free time to implement all my plans for an interesting vacation.
",aboutime:"Cooking is my primary responsibility. First of all, I want to eat healthy food and for this I need to take time. But now, I do not have that only man with whom I could share my culinary delights.))I also do the cleaning. These are simple Domestic abilities, but every self-respecting girl should be able to do it.))) For me, keeping a house clean means maintaining harmony and a positive atmosphere.))) \nPeople say that a building becomes a Home only thanks to the woman and the presence of the child. For my family, I am ready to become a real keeper of home comfort.)))",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"This lady is responsible and tidy. She is well-groomed and beautiful. A very gentle and warm smile. What her lips do not say is read in her eyes. It is immediately evident that she is serious about finding a husband. She talks very sincerely about family and obviously already wants to have her own.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Gemini",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/irina-poltava-9004/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"German",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},9147:{gid:9147,name:"Karina",bd:"1998-06-30",age:26,branch:"Lviv",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2021-06-29T15:05:03.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Show Business",works:"Event Manager",height:"5,6",height2:168,weight:110,weightkg:50,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"light-brown",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"Mmm, my leisure time, the most enjoyable time of the day :) I love spending free time with my family and friends and I like to enjoy it to the fullest. We go to a cafe, to the beach or to a nice place in the city and have fun there, talk, discuss what's going on in our lives. I like going out of the city as I enjoy being in nature. I am one of those women who can spend a few nights in a tent in the mountains and also spend the night in a comfortable hotel the next day after that. I enjoy traveling much, seeing new places, learning about different cultures and just see what life has to offer. I believe I live my life to the fullest and want to be active and happy most of the time. I can also spend free time at home, reading or watching a nice movie on my computer, cleaning and doing other stuff :) I also like getting better at my job and can develop my skills and learn something new in my free time. It all depends on my mood.
",partner:"I am looking for a kind, honest, easy-going and trustworthy man. I want him to be honest with me at all times and be open with me. I am looking for someone who is capable of loving one woman and be faithful to her.
\r\nI appreciate a goal-oriented man who knows what he wants and goes for it.
\r\nPLEASE, READ MY TYPICAL DAY INFO HERE. There is important info there.
",ocenka:"Well, first of all, I am planning to build my family soon if I find the right person. I'd love to travel a lot with my future partner and see the world. I would like to open my own company where I'd be organizing the events myself and have the assistants who'd help me. So, working for myself, not for somebody else.
",family:"I am in a great relationship with my family and love spending time with them. They are my support and they always gave me love and understood me for who I am. I am waiting to create a family of my own one day! I want my future family to be as caring and understanding as the family where I grew up.
\r\nI will tell you more when we talk to each other :)
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am sincere and open. I consider myself to be friendly and communicate easily with different kinds of people. I usually get along well with people and enjoy meeting new people at work and not only. When it comes to a relationship, I am faithful, honest, and family-oriented. I am a one-man woman and eager to find a one-woman man in the future.
",aboutday:"Instead of writing here what my typical day is I want to share something that I noticed as some kind of a very frustrating pattern here on this site and although I believe that there are many decent, wonderful, and serious men here, I still want to address to all of you and ask you to think twice before you write in your letter that it's almost impossible to find love here on this site because there is war in my country.
\r\nFirst, for me as for the lady who lives here every single day and lives at war it's hard to read from a man who is supposed to take care about me and make me feel secure. I mean, how can you make me feel secure if you tell me that it's almost impossible to meet? First, there are ways out, if you can't come here, we could meet abroad. Second, I won't force you come here. Although I'd respect bravery if you wanted to come. It would be manly. But I'd meet you in the other country if we liked each other a lot and wanted to build our future.
\r\nI understand why people mention war all the time. Yes, it's scary, yes, it's dangerous, yes , it's difficult. But come on. So is life! People go on and move on. Please, be stronger for yourself and for your lady here. Don't let your lady know that you are scared to be with her or to meet her. What impression do you make on her?
\r\nI hope my profile will help other ladies as well and will somehow let you know how it looks what you write from the lady's point of view.
",aboutime:"I do everything around the house and enjoy making my apartment tidy and cozy :) When it's tidy I feel that I can breathe better hehe",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"The lady is kind and generous. She is warm-hearted and knows what she wants. We believe she's serious about her search here and is willing to build a family.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Cancer",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/karina-lviv-9147/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"Polish",title:"Pre-Intermediate"},{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},9406:{gid:9406,name:"Iryna",bd:"1984-01-02",age:40,branch:"Kherson",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2022-03-22T10:38:59.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Education",works:"journalist",height:"5,9",height2:176,weight:150,weightkg:68,konstit:"petite",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Sometimes",english:"0",freetime:"I like traveling and reading, watching detective serials.
\nI like to cook and to experiment and like being busy and enjoying the moment. One of my passions is dancing and swimming, I like to be active very much.
",partner:"I am looking for a smart man with a nice sense of humor, who desires to love and to be loved and ready to share true emotions. I have 2 sons so I hope my future man will be a nice friend to them. I hope you will be kind-hearted and open to true emotions, positive and ready, and willing to love.
",ocenka:"I would like to be happy and have my man in my life, to wake up with my special one near. I would like to have a nice cozy home and I will do my best to make it nice! I am dreaming to hear kids' voices in our cozy home, cooking something tasty, and spending time outdoors together, making plans for the future.
",family:"I have my parents and 2 sons in my life. Children are the inspirations and lights of my life. We like to do camping and make barbeques outside. My family is very positive and friendly. Maybe you will be a part of it in the near future. Who knows. Smile!
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am open-minded, sincere, honest, and communicative, but sometimes I can be impulsive. My character is calm but I can be strong also.
\nI like singing and swimming and I like to be active in every part of my day.
",aboutday:"I like to wake up early, do my morning exercise and make breakfast for all. Then I like to dress nice and plan my day and work, in the midday I have lunch shortly and continue to work, in the evening I cook a nice dinner for my kids and we watch movies and prepare for school classes.
",aboutime:"I like to do my home clean and cozy. I enjoy cooking every day and experimenting and doing something interesting. I like to cook Ukrainian and Italian dishes. I like to do different things at home, like laundry and washing plates.\n My sons help me always. And I am trying to find the positive in every work.",seeking:"Romance,Relationship",child_m:2,child_f:0,notes:"The lady is nice, easy-going, and open-minded. She is charming and has a nice smile.
She is serious and hopes to find her person and make a happy family in the future. The lady is family-oriented.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Capricorn",children:"I have children / 2 boy ",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:14,date:"8 November"},{age:9,date:"6 April"}],profile:"/women/iryna-kherson-9406/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:""},birthdayLabel:null},9668:{gid:9668,name:"Julia",bd:"1993-10-04",age:31,branch:"Kremenchug",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2022-08-12T14:29:11.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Science",works:"teacher",height:"5,6",height2:168,weight:110,weightkg:50,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I spend my free time in different ways. I enjoy reading. I like informative books, I also enjoy reading novels and detective stories sometimes. I love spending time outdoors. To be honest I don't like crowded places and if I have a spare time, I try to go to the countryside, it always brings me a good mood and positive emotions.
\nI also go to gym twice a week. It is good for the health and body care. It's nice to see yourself in the mirror, slim and fit.
",partner:"What I really appreciate in a relationship? Such things like honesty, mutual understanding and respect. Love is a magical feeling. Yes, I want to experience this feeling, I want to love and be loved… this is my greatest wish.
\nI would like my man to have such a qualities like courage, self-confidence, reliability. I want my man to be by my side and support me, protect me, no matter what.
",ocenka:"I don't have a more important goal than a happy family. I dream of such simple things, I dream of having a husband, children, cosy house. That's why I am here, we have to follow our dreams.
\nOf course, I also want to be successful in my work. I am a teacher and I want all children to love and understand my subject. :)
",family:"My family is very friendly and cheerful. We always make fun of each other and laugh a lot. I have a sister a year younger than me, but everyone says that we look like twins. We are very close with her, because we have got through many situations in the life supporting each other. She is married, and now she advised me to join this agency, because it is my turn to become the happiest woman.
",handed:"left-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"When people find out that I'm a teacher they think I'm boring, but when they get to know me better they say I'm the funniest person they've ever met. It's easy for me to get along with anyone, I know that the main thing is just to be respectful, kind, and polite with anyone.
",aboutday:"My morning starts with morning exercises. Then I go to the shower, cold-warm shower, it's a good wake up. My breakfast is always different. Sometimes I just have a fresh fruits and coffee, sometimes sandwiches, I can also cook an omelet with vegetables – it depends on my mood and my schedule. I try to star every morning with a smile and anticipation of a good day.
\nMy working day goes by quickly for me because I like what I do. After work, it's always nice to walk in the park, drink some coffee in a cosy café, or eat an ice cream.
",aboutime:"I love to cook, I love to do household chores, create some cosiness and comfort in the house. When it is cold season and most of the time I am at home, I improve my skills in cooking different dishes and invite my family to check it out. They are always happy to come, and honestly they say I am a pretty good cook.\n ",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"The smile of this girl is simply radiant, she is very sweet and kind. You can discuss anything with her, she is quite smart and interesting. Also, Julia impressed us with her politeness kindness and with her laugh.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Libra",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/julia-kremenchug-9668/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},9692:{gid:9692,name:"Marina",bd:"1987-10-08",age:37,branch:"Dnipro",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2022-08-26T16:47:21.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Services",works:"Permanent make-up master",height:"5,6",height2:168,weight:136,weightkg:62,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I prefer to spend my free time actively and usefully, but also don't mind relaxing a bit and devoting time to my inner “goddess”. I attend the gym because I think it not only makes the body stronger and more beautiful but also helps to strengthen spirit; sporty people are the strongest players in life. I like to read a lot, and for me, very often the best day off can be in a company of a book and a cup of tea.
\nI can't get rid of the passion for travelling; I get incredible energy for exploring new places. Sometimes I'm even afraid that I will go to buy some cheese and find myself somewhere in Los Angeles. Everything is possible:)
",partner:"I think that while looking for a life-long partner, we should, first of all, evaluate ourselves and look for a partner who fits us and our development. As people say, if you demand, then match your own requests. So, I would like to find a strong, confident man with his own aims for the future. I think I would feel comfortable only with a man with whom I could feel weak and fully trust him.
",ocenka:"My perfect future goal is to find harmony with a man whom I'll meet and create happy, caring relations. I want to do what I love and develop my professional skills too. I think it's possible to enjoy life and be happy in your own world that you create step by step for yourself.
",family:"My family is not big, but friendly and loving. I always felt love and care and always felt support in any actions. I was not afraid of making some steps in life because I knew that my family will always support me and accept any decision.
\nChildren should never be afraid of self-expressing and making their own mistakes.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"For me, life is magic and the taste of every moment is unique. I'm trying to use all the possibilities given to me. I don't like to give up, but I compete only with myself in the past to become the best version of myself. The flower doesn't compete with other flowers, it just blossoms for itself.
",aboutday:"As for me, the perfect beginning of the day is when you don't hurry anywhere and have time for meditation and devoting time to yourself. But as we all know, it's not always possible in the modern world when everybody is busy with personal achievements and getting success. But still, despite this, I have some morning routine without which my day will be spoilt for sure. I can't imagine a morning without tasty breakfast, some morning exercises and thinking about what steps I can do to improve my life.
",aboutime:"I can't say that I get a real pleasure doing domestic abilities, I would rather say that I can feel good only in a clean and cosy atmosphere, so it motivates me to keep order. I think I'm a very neat woman, but if there is some creative chaos, it's not a problem. ;) ",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"This lady is very pleasant and positive. She caught our attention with her smile and lightness. And we felt that her heart only feels a lack of some great feeling.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Libra",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/marina-dnipro-9692/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Advanced"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null}},notFoundList:[3788,5090,3505,3677,2728,3818,9147,7440,3660,3602,9692,3935,4540,5370,9406,4391,6947,4676,8456,9668,8727,5234,4541,2425,3929,3580,2428,4093,9004,3762],randomLadiesList:[3788,5090,3505,3677,2728,3818,9147,7440,3660,3602,9692,3935,4540,5370,9406,4391,6947,4676,8456,9668,8727,5234,4541,2425,3929,3580,2428,4093,9004,3762],files:{},winks:null,filterProps:null,ladiesForMenu:null},stories:{isLoading:!0,data:{ladiesListFresh:[],ladiesListCommon:[],ladiesListTemporary:[]},activeLadyView:{storyId:null,ladyId:null,from:null},storiesLikedIds:[],storiesViewedIds:[],ladiesStoriesViewedIds:[]},branches:{branchesLadies:{kiev:[],dnipro:[],cherkasy:[],"ivano-frankovsk":[],kremenchug:[],kharkov:[],lutsk:[],nikolayev:[],odessa:[],poltava:[],rovno:[],sumy:[],lviv:[],zaporozhye:[],chornomorsk:[],kherson:[]}},marketing:{list:{}},support:{listFaq:null,webcamsInfo:null,siteIdeas:null,siteIdeasCompleted:null,siteIdeasDeveloping:null,supportReviews:null,activeTickets:null,archivedTickets:null,oneTickets:{}},mailsBox:{foldersData:null},mediaBox:{counts:null},chat:{ladyInfo:{loading:!0,freeStatuses:null,data:null,filesDopData:{photo:{},video:{},audio:{}}},userInfo:{time:{free:0,normal:0,offer:0,pfree:0,total:0},timeToOfferAdd:null},roomInfo:{id:null,type:null,toConnectId:null},chatInfo:{theme:0,fontSize:0,sound:1,isActiveKeyboard:!1,isActiveSmiles:!1,chatPhoto:null,view:"preChat",writingMessage:!1,showOfferAdd:!1,activeTab:"top-up",maxWindowHeight:800,recordVideoStream:!1,settings:null,webCam:{ready:!1,stream:null,data:{device:"no-cam",resolution:"hd"}},noPreChat:null,peers:{},mediasoupConnectionError:!1,canShowGiftButton:!1},topUpCredits:[],messages:[],emojis:null,totalTimeToCanStartVideo:420},flow:{isLoading:!0,isFormProgress:!1,isError:!1,uid:0,session:{logid:0,loginKey:""},email:"",needEmail:!1,gotoPage:"/profile/",ladyInfo:{id:0,name:"name",descriptions:{myself:{title:"How would i describe myself",content:"About myself"},goals:{title:"My future goals",content:"About My future goals"}},photos:[{id:0,url:"",urlPreview:"",type:"vertical",imageSize:"750x1000"}]}},counters:{}}