Charity Events in UaDreams

As you know, we see  our mission in helping hearts to join together, in helping people from all corners of the world to have a real chance to find someone special, a person they might be waiting for all life long. (see our  Testimonials  and  Marriages reports)

However we can not be focused ONLY on business and be oriented ONLY on profit. We believe that it's successful and developed companies duties are to help those who is in need and to try to make the world we all live in a bit better, make it brighter, kinder and filled with love.

There are a lot of children left alone without parents in Ukraine, as well as in other countries unfortunately. Our government undertakes obligations to take care about them, however because of limited financing of state programs, children from orphan houses are often deprived of everything that real childhood is replete with, of everything that real childhood of any person MUST be filled with: kindness, love, gifts, sweets, attention, warmth, cozy home, warm clothes, holidays, New Year and Christmas!

Why do we tell you about this? We want you to know, that our company sends a part of its profit to local orphanages, children's hospitals and baby houses and that you are also relevant to this noble mission. Thank you!

P.S. Some  comments from our members  and Q&A you can see below the page.

Sincerely, Chiefs and Staff of UaDreams

Charity Event in Zaporizhia

Dnipro: Out of difficulties grow miracles!

Helping children is always a noble cause, especially if you are helping children who need special care. They are bright, talented, kind, emotional. They express their feelings sincerely and genuinely, and you can see it right away.

It is not a secret that UaDreams supports children in need. And this time Dnipro branch arranged a charity event for the wonderful angels from Dnipro boarding school for orphans and children derpived of parental care.

There are 93 children living in this boarding school. The youngest ones are 4, the oldest — 18. There are boys and there are girls. They live apart. They play, draw, sing and study in special children's rooms. Most of them are wheelchair-bound. Some others have Down syndrome.

More than 30 children are in very bad shape. They cannot move, speak nor even eat. Kids do not grow because of health issues. Orphanage nurses feed them with a nutrition probe. At the age of 12-15, they often weigh less than 10 kg! These children stay in a special medical wing of the boarding school building. Visitors are not allowed because of children's weakened immune systems.

These children do not have parents. They were abandoned in early childhood, as soon as their parents found out about their conditions. Some parents have been deprived of parental rights. They do not visit their children, and loneliness is the biggest problem for these kids...

That is why when we came there, they gave a concert for us. They wanted to give us hugs. I remember a girl who asked to hold her hand for a minute, and then she didn't want to leave... She was only asking: "Please, hold my hand... stronger... I want to feel that you are here with me". Our eyes were in tears...

When we came there, we found out the potato peeler went out of order and needed a repair. That's why UaDreams bought the necessary parts to make it work.

Also, we found out that there were no curtains or blinds in the children's playroom. It was very hot in there as the room was flooded with sunlight all day long. Children could not spend much time inside because of the heat. That is why we found a solution and bought fabric rolling shutters. They are safe for children and will do a good job protecting them from the sun. Now kids can play, paint and do different handicrafts there, as they love to decorate everything around. These kids have so many hobbies and they are so talented! Children love singing and they started few singing bands. One of the girls participates in Ukrainian festivals and dreams of becoming a famous singer someday. Another 17-year-old boy is getting ready to enter the university and to become an architect.

Children love spending time outdoors and they have a garden. Gardening is one of their favorite outdoor activities and their teachers help them to grow different plants. Previously the garden was full of thorny bushes and ragweed. But now it changed unrecognizably and there are only lovely green trees and bushes. So we decided to make a contribution and bought 10 wonderful evergreen thujas so the garden remains green even in winter.

The children were very happy with our help and asked us to come back. And we will back for sure!

If you want to visit this place with us, you are welcome to Dnipro. Just do not forget to bring a lot of napkins and be ready to get a lot of hugs!

Ruslana 4391

Margo 3945

Viktoria 3529

Lana 3742

Anna 9590

Anna 2752

Irina 9004

Nataliia 5276

Karyna 4649

Elisabeth 3682

Katy 3747

Vika 4590

Anna 3711

Alina 3902

Natasha 1232

Thank you letter from the orphan house


The municipal institution "Dnipro boarding school" of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council" for children with disabilities who need outside care, household and medical services, educational and rehabilitation services, expresses its sincere gratitude to UaDreams company for providing charitable assistance.

Any help is very important.

We appreciate your charity, concern and care for children with disabilities. We wish you happiness and success in your noble cause.

We look forward to further cooperation.

With respect
Director Valentina Bulgakova

Mykolaiv: "We have never heard words "Thank you" so many times!"

This time UaDreams decided to help Allergy and Pulmonology Department of the Regional Children's Clinic in the city Mykolaiv. We ordered 20 bedside tables and Indesit refrigerator for this hospital. Everything was delivered to the department. We are eager to share our emotions with you!

UaDreams translators who have visited the hospital shared their experience with us: “We were very pleased to be directly involved in this charity, we received so many words of thanks not only from the chief physician, but also from the doctors of the department. We have never heard words "Thank you" so many times in just one day!” And of course, all our staff always thanks you, our dear members. Thanks to you it’s possible to assist those who need help so desperately!

Kharkiv: It was great to visit kids together with our member!

Sometimes you, our dear members, become the moving spirit of UaDreams charity events. It came to pass this time. Our member Hakan informed us that he would like to come to Ukraine and to help a Ukrainian orphanage. Of course, we were very glad to fulfill his wish and found a children's home that needed help.

Together we visited one of the oldest orphanages in the city, Kharkiv regional specialized children's home "Hippocrates" and bought two big TV-sets for kids.

It was a real pleasure to help Hakan to visit this orphanage, because he is a person reaching out for children so much. He played with each and every child and gave the kids so much attention that they need the most of all. And the kids enjoyed greatly such a jovial guest!

As for the orphanage, during its century-old history it became the first ever home for 7 thousand children. Now 22 kids from 1 to 7 years old live here, and almost all of them need palliative care. From next year children up to 10 years old will join the existing group.

The head doctor told us a lot about these kids, and it was so touching. The kids here have severe diseases, perversion of organs, ICP, Down syndrome etc. Just a couple of kids are almost healthy, and it leaves one speechless how their parents could give them up for adoption. Each kid's story impresses deeply.

From time to time volunteers help this orphanage with clothes, diapers and toys for kids. However the main problem of this state orphan house is lack of nurses because of the very low reward. There are only 3 nurses for 22 kids. Even if volunteers can help the orphanage with necessary things, nobody can give a raise to nurses.

We here in UaDreams express most heartfelt thanks to Hakan for his wish to organize this wonderful visit to this orphan house. We can do not much, but every smile of a kid is worth our biggest efforts.

Thanks from the orphan house

To the staff of UaDreams company

The management of Kharkiv regional specialized children's home "Hippocrates" expresses sincere thanks for the beneficent aid in the form of two flat-panel TV-sets for our kids. We thank you for your care and reverential attitude to our orphans.

With gratitude and respect,
Director R.V. Marabyan

Kharkiv: These kids encouraged us with optimism!

It is doubtless that orphan children who live near the firing line need help and support more that other Ukrainian orphan kids. It is more difficult for volunteers to reach them and their living conditions are the worst. That's why we came right to the East of the country to visit a Center for Children's Social and Psychological Rehabilitation in Toretsk.

10 km from the front line. 65 children. Formerly only kids from difficult families lived there, whose parents were addicted to alcohol and drugs. And now the children whose families suffered from the aftermaths of anti-terrorist operation joined them. For instance, kids whose houses were crashed and whose parents didn't survive.

We brought a generator, a meat grinder, a vacuum cleaner, a boiler, a washing machine, and several heaters to this orphan house. Besides how couldn't we gladden the kids with something tasty that would make their mood a bit brighter? Of course we came with fruit and sweets.

The children prepared a beautiful concert for us with the help of their tutors. Boys and girls sang songs and danced, and we were amazed how courageously they overcome their grief and difficulties. These little children encouraged us with optimism and brought us belief that our nation will win over any severities. These children will surely create a wonderful future for our country!

Charity event from our member:
“I had promised myself when I was in the UK to do this after seeing your postings on your website”

Yet again we make sure that our male members are not only tender and loving life partners for our ladies but also generous people with big hearts. Our dear member A.F. who came to Cherkasy to meet his lady decided to find an orphan house in this town and help children on his own. He fulfilled his promise and brought smiles on many children’s faces. Isn’t it wonderful? We are so proud that we have such great members on UaDreams!

A.F. wrote to us after his trip:

“I do not regret coming to the Ukraine is I met such nice and helpful people everywhere I went. I do not regret coming to the Cherkasy. It really is a special place because it has people who are rich in their souls. This is something you hardly find in what is called western societies

Another very important reason I do not regret coming here is that I wanted to visit an orphanage and try and help. I had promised myself when I was in the UK to do this after seeing your postings on your website. This is my plan for tomorrow. So may be, my trip was meant to happen to help a few unfortunate little angels. This will give me great happiness

The good news is I managed to find an orphanage near me. It is at Kavkazka St, 7. I found it after a very long walk! I was very impressed with the cleanliness and everything else, more importantly the little ones. I have their account details now and may help more in the future

I hope when your members visit the Ukraine they help even it was very little. It could ease the pain of a sick child or bring a smile with a new toy. It was very good of you to publish what you do to help these innocent children. This reminded me that I could have been born to be one of these angels!”

Zaporizhia: Healthy sleep is a guarantee of good health!

Recently, we visited the Zaporizhia boarding school №1. This school is engaged in the education and treatment of children with problems of the musculoskeletal system and intellectual development. This is a school with teachers and medical personnel who give a hope to children and their parents that even with such disabilities a child can develop, learn, make friends and live fully like any child. And the result of their work is amazing! After all, this school has brought up a lot of talented people and famous athletes.

Beds are the things that break the fastest, as there are many children and they are all very active. Beds often need to be repaired and replaced. Therefore, we decided to help this school and the children with furniture: beds, bedside tables and a wardrobe. Healthy sleep is a guarantee of good health! In addition, we purchased board games for children that help them to develop their motor skills and logical thinking. We hope that our contribution will help the next talented child with such features to develop and reach new heights in creativity or in sports.

After our visit, we were very pleasantly surprised when the school principal, Vladimir Stepanovich, invited us to join them for a holiday. On December 3, the whole world celebrates the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and at this school they decided to call this day a Day of Kindness. Of course, we gladly accepted the invitation and joined and even participated with the children in such a holiday, a real holiday of kindness! On the holiday, of course, we came with gifts, and now every class has a ball from us! With pleasure we want to share with you our impressions and bright photos.

Rivne: Moving is life

Our branch in Rivne visited Recovery center for children with disabilities and children with muscle-skeleton disorder "STEP" which is situated in Rivne. The center helps children with different disabilities to orient and behave at home and in the society with other people, promote the interest to spend the healthy way of life, helps with physical rehabilitation and psychological correction, and also helps with social adaptation of the children with disabilities and with their integration into general educational institutions and the society.

There are about 50 children attend the Center and there are about 30 kids attend the music and dancing training classes. Children with Infantile Cerebral Palsy learn to dance and deaf kids with earphones and osteophones learn to play the musician instruments and to sing.

This Center it is the plaсe where children with different disabilities feel comfortable and usual, do not feel at a disadvantage.

We were happy to help this Center and these children (and their parents) to feel and move easier. We equipped the wheelchair ramp with anti-slip tapes to make the move up and down easier espesially during the rainy and frosty periods of the year. We also bought the chairs which will be useful for children on their music training classes.

We were present on the dancing and music trainings and we were impressed greatly with the children's achievements and their positive energy! They are really nice and special people, we were happy to meet them and to help them and we hope to continue our acquaintance.

Kremenchuk: Joy helps to fight against diseases!

UaDreams has an active position in volunteering and helping those who need it, and this time the Kremenchuk branch took the initiative. Our employees decided to help children with disabilities from a “Rehabilitation center for children with special needs”. The children are cared about here and taught how to live a normal life.

Some of these kids were born with the congenital deformities, some got health problems after being very sick. In any case, they all have to fight against their diseases all their life long.

UaDreams took part in organizing a big event for more than 130 children and their parents. We have made three big events during one day for the children of different age groups.

The first event was for the smallest children at the age of 3-6 years. At this age children are open, sincere, innocent and they know how to be happy about simple things in life, there were so many emotions on children's faces, when they took part in master-classes, performances, dances, sampling tasty things and getting presents! Later the same day there were another two events for children of 7-11 years and 11-18 years.

We are so happy to have this chance to present such a fairy tale to these children and we want to say BIG THANK YOU to each of you, our dear members. You need to know that all these wonderful things happened with your help also! We thank you for your contribution to our project, to those wonderful smiles of happy children, to their hope that life can be kind to them sometimes. Let's continue making this world brighter together! With all those wonderful emotions we give them hope for the best, strength for fighting diseases and understanding that we, adults, are not indifferent to their little lives!

Kharkiv: We go to the children living near the firing line

Only 7 km divide the boarding school we visited and the armed conflict location. It is Lugansk Oblast, Eastern Ukraine. 184 children with intellectual disabilities live in this boarding school, 15 of them have no parental care. Not so many volunteers come here to bring things to children who desperately need them. That's why we offered our help!

We brought play equipment for children's playground of the orphan house and installed it. We also bought summer slippers for all the children. And how could we come without something tasty for our little friends? Of course, they enjoyed fresh apples, cherries, bananas and cookies.

When we came to the orphan house, the majority of children had left for a short trip to the riverside, that's why we met personally just some of them. But everybody who saw us was very glad to get all the presents.

Imagine, how difficult it is to maintain comfortable living conditions for orphan children and pupils of boarding schools who live on the territory of Eastern Ukraine right now. When we provide them with at least some help by donating a part of our profit, we always think of you, our dear members. You are indirectly participating in our charity events, and we are so grateful to you!

Thanks to the staff of UaDreams company

The children and administration of Hirske regional specialized boarding school express their sincere gratitude for presents (children's playground) and help in creating proper conditions for child-rearing and participation in upbringing of the younger generation.

We are so grateful to you for your help and unindifference towards our children and we hope that is it just a beginning of our cooperation and we are looking forward to your further support.

We wish you peace and bright destiny,
Eagerness, energy and a lot of strength,
A creative spark, hope and enthusiasm,
Heart generosity, human respect.
On the long ways of your fields
Be always healthy and happy.

With a deep respect and honor,
Headmistress L.A. Markova

Cherkassy: Hair salon travels to children

This time Cherkassy branch of UaDreams took up the charity torch. Our employees visited an orphan house in the suburbs of Cherkassy and brought the children a lot of necessary things for supporting cleanness and beauty.

A washing machine was the most significant present. Besides each child received his own gifts. Boys got antiperspirant deodorants, lotions and shower gels. Girls rejoiced at shampoos, roll-on deodorants and personal hygiene means. And the most interesting part of the charity event was just ahead: two hairdressers came with us to make beautiful haircuts for all the children. By the way, one of them was our lady Natasha!

Our visit wasn't long, because the children had to return to their school lessons that day. However we managed to make a little holiday for them and everybody was happy.

Thanks from the orphan house

We greet you!

The management and educates of the orphan house for school-aged children heartily thanks the head of the UaDreams Cherkassy branch Natalia for beneficent aid in buying a washing machine LG and express our special thanks to hairstylists Anna and Natalia.

Your help is a good support for our children.

May your dreams come true and everything bad keeps away from you.

Headmistress T.G. Filipova

Zaporizhia: Gifts from St. Nicholas and UaDreams

In anticipation of the holiday season we really want to make happy those children, who unfortunately, can not feel the warmth and cheer of holiday celebrations like St. Nicholas day, New Year and Christmas. Of course, during this magical time, we would like to bring joy to all the children!

We have decided to make a visit to Zaporozhyan regional center of psychosocial rehabilitation of children. It is the place where kids from disadvantaged families come. Mostly kids from this center have parents and relatives, but because of some life circumstances parents were deprived of paternal rights and now children spend their «golden time», their childhood in expecting. Maybe parents will take them back, maybe some of them will be adopted or, it is possible that some of them will have to continue living in an orphanage. But only this orphanage teaches children that life is much fuller and brighter than moments that they have had experienced in their families.

When 57 children of various ages (from 2 to 15 years) live in a large house, all the furniture is worn out much faster than in any of our homes. So we bought sofas for children, because the sofas in the orphanage are worn a long time ago. And of course we pleased children with sweets and toys.

The ladies of our branch took an active participation in our event. They also have bought toys and sweets for the children, and all together we visited this wonderful, cozy and what is most unimportant, full of cheerfulness children’s orphanage.

Orphanage staff is wonderful! They are not only example and support for kids, but also their true friends. Every corner of this center is filled with love and care. Children are very thankful to their teachers for their care they never got from parents and they express it in art. We were just stunned with how talented these children are! We couldn't leave any handicraft they created unattended.

We were trying to spend some time with each child, to hug a smaller kid, give an advice to a teenager, and unintentionally we've got an example of the vivacity, amicability and genuine love from children.

We are very grateful to children and teachers who brought us in that marvelous atmosphere. It wasn’t an orphanage for children without families, but it was a real home of a very big family! We will definitely come back there, as from now on we have friends there, too!

Thanks from the orphanage staff

To the staff of

UaDreams Zaporizhia branch

Dear friends!

The management, staff and children of the «Zaporizhia Regional Center for Children's Social-Psychological Rehabilitation» public institution expresses heartily gratitude for the rendered aid, namely: furniture, food products and sweet treats for our children.

Thank you for your kindness, empathy and attention towards our kids. We hope for our further cooperation.

With gratitude and respect,

Headmistress O.N. Kutcher

Lutsk: The play room looks like a real home!

A few years ago we helped the local orphanage in Lutsk to purchase new windows for their play room. This time they received some new furnishing with our help. The children of this orphanage are between 1.3 and 2 years old. All of them suffer from health problems and need medication every day. They also need diapers and lots of stuff children of this age require all the time. The government provides them with some essential things but there are a lot of problems that cannot be resolved because of the difficult financial situation in our country.

The orphanage is a place where children live most of their lives and we tried to make their play room look like a real home. Their old furniture was bought many years ago and it wasn't good to use any more. Some parts have been damaged and broken through the years. Now the room looks cosy and inviting. Besides we asked the furniture maker to renovate their old wall unit and now it looks as good as new!

We also wanted to treat children with chocolates and sweets. It was a good idea to buy them a several air balls to play with. We enjoyed looking at the kids playing with their new toys and laughing. We managed to make them a bit happier that day. It’s a pity not all of us could visit those children as their tutors said kids could be afraid of a crowd of strangers. They all are still babies.

It was a great day and we’ll continue helping the orphanage. The children's joy was our greatest reward! The more you give the more you get!

Thanks from the orphanage

We thank you for the new furnishing so much!

You cannot even imagine what a gift you have made for our children! Now our room even doesn’t look like a room of an orphanage. We feel like at home.

You have made a real miracle for all of us!

May God bless you!

With gratitude, tutors and children

Poltava: We are trying to help Nastya to see the world

Expecting for a child is the best feeling ever. However, the parents' happiness can be overclouded by a disease discovered not long after the birth of a child. From this moment nothing matters for them except health and productive life of their kid. It can be possible to cure a little son or daughter, to find doctors and medicines, but the parents just cannot afford such expensive treatment. They are willing to give their own health to their child, but... only currency is needed.

Some time ago we heard about a 5 months old girl Nastya who was born with a congenital defect. Her diagnosis is congenital ophtalmic nerve hypoplasy and partial atrophy of both eyes. The operation can be conducted in Israel, but Nastya's family is not able to pay $7500 for the treatment. All possible ways to gather money are being used.

UaDreams employees talked to her father Timur and were fascinated by his little princess Nastya. This girl is so cute and deserves all sweets of life! Naturally our company couldn't stay impassive and donated a part of amount needed for the operation.

Rivne: A neсessary medical device for children's rehabilitation

There is a city specialized children's house in Rivne, Ukraine, where about 50 orphans live. Parents bring their children for treatment of different disabilities and disorders to a children's rehabilitation department there. It's about 100 children a day.

We were really glad to extend a helping hand and bought the Amplipuls medical device for the children's rehabilitation department. This device is used for the physiotherapeutic treatment of various diseases, and the old one which is more than 20 years old has been already out of work there. We also bought daily necessary things for babies — diapers and baby wipes.

All those caring people do their best to make this children's house a real home for orphans and to provide professional help for children with different disabilities. We hope it is not the last time we helped this specialized children's house.

Mykolaiv: We try to make hospital stay pleasant for children!

We would love to mention about another important event regarding our social activities. Ukraine experiences a difficult period nowadays as a great amount of government funds is to be spent to military purposes, while orphan houses and hospitals are financed even worse than usually. With all our heart we cannot accept this.

That's why we considered the situation carefully and decided to help the children in need so much! First of all, we are grateful to all kids for being strong enough and for their patience. This time we gladly provided our immediate help to the allergy pulmonary department of a hospital for children in Mykolaiv.

We bought a refrigerator and 15 new children beds for this in-patient department. Now children can enjoy their tasty foodstuff and keep it fresh for a long time. And we believe that it will be more comfortable for kids to see their sweet dreams in new beds and have good and calm rest.

Thanks from the headmistress

I, Lesnichaya Natalia Evseevna, the headmistress of the allergy-pulmonary department of the disctrict children hospital in Mykolaiv, express big thanks in my name and in the name of all patients and their parents for the provided beneficent aid for our department:

Refrigerator NORD 507-011

15 single beds

Thank you very much for collaboration and understanding! With best regards! We hope for further cooperation.

Kharkiv: Wes from the USA helped Ukrainian children

Easter is a holiday when we feel an extremely strong desire to help our fellow creatures and try to make this world at least a little bit better and kinder. So, we would like to share a story with you about such a deed of charity.

One of our members Wes from the USA told us about his wish to help children from Kharkiv orphanage. Per his request, our employees enquired what this orphanage needs most of all. They found out that vacuum cleaners are really needed to keep the rooms clean. Than Wes presented two vacuum cleaners to this orphanage. The children and the employees of the orphanage are so grateful to him.

It is our company's duty to give a portion of our profit in order to help the residents of the children's home and provide them with the most necessary things. We have already replaced windows, bought household appliances and medical equipment, furniture, clothes, baby food and diapers, and organized funny holidays for children.

Kharkiv: Station «Kharkiv». Volunteers

In order to hold this charity event we contacted a charity organization “Station Kharkiv” that helps refugees from the East of Ukraine.

At first we consulted with organization representatives and learned what the children need the most. We bought and gave to the families diapers of all sizes and baby food for children from 6 months. But then we found out that one woman became a mother recently, so we bought also baby food from 0 to 6 months specially for her.

A representative of the "Station Kharkiv" asked us to give a big thank you to UaDreams members for their invaluable help!

Kharkiv: Damaged foster home in Slaviansk

The Slaviansk boarding school was occupied and completely plundered by separatists. That's why after the town's release children who are brought up there need some material aid. 180 children are experiencing a disastrous lack of clothes and living essentials.

In order to help these children UaDreams has bought winter jackets for boys of 6 through 17 years old. If only you could see joyful, grateful and excited eyes of the children! These are indescribable emotions!

Thank you very much, our dear members, that you are taking part in this noble mission helping those ones who are in need!

Poltava: Charity event on New Year's Eve

Last December was special for Poltava branch, as we had a chance to bring happiness and joy to kids from Poltava regional center of social protection "Lubistok".

W We had a little entertaining program for them already prepared, so just after entering the hall they appeared in the magic workshop where they were proposed to create a symbol of the year 2015 – a wonderful charming Mr Sheep.

It was so cute to watch their little fingers working with cotton and glue. Just after having our Mr Sheep done, we all were invited for a tea ceremony with cookies, candies and a wonderful story about Samovar that was a kind of traditional teapot in old times. Children were listening with a big interest! Not so many people pay attention to these small kids in their life...

Tea time finished, but our program did not, and we presented airbubbles show to children. Children were impressed, and we as well, by the way :)

We noticed one very interesting thing: making charity you get much more than give, that’s probably a kind of a rule. All our team smiled a lot, felt warmth and happiness. We not only watched the show, but also helped and assisted during the whole evening.

Watching the show, all our team smiled a lot and felt a lot of warmth and happiness.

There is nothing better than to give, right?

We are very thankful to everybody who participated in creating of this event. The greatest thanks is to you, our dear members. Each of you took part in this charity event.

Simferopol: we continue to support an orphanage for children living with AIDS

Since March 2014 a complicated situation took place in Crimea (read our articles about  Euromaidan and Russian aggression). Now the Russian authorities run the show there, and the life on the peninsula became much more difficult. Nevetheless we decided to keep our branch in Simferopol working till it is possible and to fulfill  our mission to join hearts.

Besides we remember about an orphanage for children living with HIV/AIDS whom  we have already helped. We did not forget about them in spite of all difficulties!

Simferopol branch manager Alexey and ladies members of our agency Tanechka and Valery visited a group of HIV infected children in the the orphanage «Yelochka». Whatever the political situation is, the most vulnerable and defenceless citizens of Ukraine shouldn't suffer, they are children deprived of parents' care and especially ill children.

Our employees bought almost all the necessary medical supplies for normal treatment of these children for next 6 months. We all hope very much that it will make their lives easier.

They are very lovely and sweet..

«When we came there we plunged into the atmosphere of pain, the pain caused by the fact that the society and state left so wonderful children to their fate. They are very lovely and sweet and need the warmth of human contact so much, the feelings of happiness and pain overwhelmed us. We don't want to stop helping, we will try to do for these children as much as possible!»

Kremenchuk. Orphanage named after Makarenko (a famous children's educator of the beginning of 20th century)

Ukraine has a new President and the present day our country  is busy with formation of the democracy and economics. What is more it tries to renew the military defence as well (because of Russia's invasion to the East of Ukraine).

At these difficult times, when the state's attention is aimed at top-priority tasks, we understand that while helping the Ukrainian army we should remember about orphan children.

We HAVE to and CAN help these poor children! This is our public duty and a corporate responsibility.

164 kids live and study at this children's home. Their age varies from 6 to 16. All these children are either entirely orphaned or their parents abdicated them. They have no relatives in this world, and they need our help, care and support very much!

Our help is focused on the improvement of these children's living conditions. We also should help the way nobody could steal this help from children and assign (unfortunately it is quite possible in our country but we hope that Ukraine will beat corruption and stealing!)

So, children need hot water. Indeed! We bought a big water boiler (the orphanage could not afford to buy such an expensive equipment). We also bought some sports outfit for children: roll mats and balls. All children were very excited about everything and happy to get our presents.

We were deeply touched by the words of the director who said that some children have never tasted chocolade or even drunk «Coca cola». The state provides only the most necessary things for survival and they almost never taste real delicacies... That's why we decided to gladden children with such tucks as chocolate, sweets and cookies (about 2000 items). We prepared an individual pack with presents for each kid – all these packs hardly got into 3 cars. :)

Finally, we organized a real soap bubbles holiday for the children

We invited children actors and they were so delighted with soap bubbles performance. Our staff has never seen such a performance as well — and it was a real miracle and magic for children!

Everybody was pleased: little kids and older ones, teachers and all employees of UaDreams  Kremenchuk office. Children took part in the performance and many of them even found themselves in large soap bubbles :)

Thank-you letter from the orphanage

Administration of the specialized educational orphanage of I-III stages named after A.S. Makarenko in Kremenchuk that belongs to Poltava Regional Council sincerely thanks you for the free help that you provided to our institute and all foster children who are orphans deprived of parental care and attention. The help consists of the following:

  • Water boiler
  • Sports outfit (balls and roll mats)
  • 164 children gift sets
  • Soap bubbles show

We are sure that this welfare assistance will be very useful both for the educational orphanage and children.

With best regards,

Head master,

Honoured educator of Ukraine,

O.M. Kirichenko

Thank you very much, our dear members!

Why do we tell you about this? We want you to know, that our company sends a part of its profit to local orphanages, children's hospitals and baby houses and that you are also relevant to this noble mission. Thank you!

Special thanks to Walter from Austria and Keith from the USA.

Cherkassy: We pass good from heart to heart

Our charity programme is continued! And we help those, who need our help again — and we say «thank you» our dear members for this help!

We visited one more orphan house — this time in a little Ukrainian town Chyhyryn. We decided to purchase for this orphan house kitchen equipment and a tv-tuner for receiving satellite channels.

When we came to Chyhyryn, we found out that all children left for vacations to a health resort on the bank of river Dnieper. We left in the orphan house a refrigerator and an industrial meat-mincing machine, and of course, we stocked up sweets and biscuits. Children liked the tuner the most, because now they can watch many various cartoons, and, of course, sweets fascinated them!

Of course, it it very sadly to see that most of the children have health deviations. A boy with celebral palsy impressed us, who coudn't come to us, and he sat down right on the asphalt. We brought him sweets, but he continued to sit on the asphalt. This touched us a lot.

We went home in silence. On the one hand, our hearts were filled with joy for helping these children, but on the other hand it was very pitty that there are things in the world that we cannot change, though we really would like to.

Thanks from the head mistress

From our whole staff and from the children as well we would like to express our gratitude for received presents. These are:

  • refrigerator for keeping fruit;
  • meat-mincing machine;
  • TV-tuner for sattelite television;
  • sweets for children.

The most desirable present for children was the tuner, because thanks to it they have the possibility to watch different TV-programmes, films and cartoons. At the end of the meeting our children were presented with sweets, in order to sugar a little bit their sugareless life. We sincerely thank all the people, who are not indifferent to the destiny of orphan children and children deprived of parents' care.

Head mistress of the orphan house
Svetlana Kurilovich

Zaporizhia: Sweet dreams for good health

We continue our charity programme for Ukrainian children, and this time we tried to help the children from the city Zaporizhia. And we say «thank you» for your help, because a part of the money that you pay we direct to charity. These are your money and your help. Thank you.

About hospital and children

The children hospital and a maternity home where are treated a lot of children whose parents have refused from them - they are carefully nursed and treated, and try not to send to children's home as long as possible.

The condition of the hospital is really deplorable, all things and furniture are very old. There are many children in the little wards, but there are no conditions for them here.

And the children, in spite of that they are ill, were very glad when we came. They smiled a lot, laughed and observed their guests with interest and posed for the photograph with pleasure. Only one girl wanted to start crying when she saw a doctor, because she thought that he will gives her an injection, but soon she understood that the doctor came not for that and began to smile.

We tried to make our contribution so that the children could feel better abd more comfortable — we gave the hospital 10 new convenient environmentally friendy wooden beds, in which the little children will slеep. We hope very much that from now on the sweetest dreams will come to this children and soon they will be healthy.

Thanks from the doctor

Thank you very much for your present! These beds are very valuable for us. Kids usually come to our hospital in very bad state and it is very important for them to stay here in good conditions. Thanks to you now it is more possible then it used to be. Our hospital is very grateful for that!

We wish all men and women on your site to find their second halfs, live happily and have healthy kids. We hope to cooperate in future.

The head of pediatrics department,
Irina Berestovaya.

Sumy: They just want to survive...

Christmas holidays have not been spent in vain. Recently, the employees of Sumy branch have visited the Haematology department of Sumy regional children's hospital.

Despite the help that our state gives the hospital about buying some of the the vitally necessary medicines and devices, sometimes such departments lack the essential means of conveniences and comfort. That is why it was decided to donate a new fridge which makes it possible to store medicines in required conditions. We have also equipped the hospital rooms with new pillows and bedcovers.

In present time there are 22 children who undergo treatment in this department of the hospital, aged from 3 months to 16 years. And at their young age they already had to undergo so much pain and sufferings. They are just little children with such "adult" diseases as acute lymphatic leukaemias, blastomas, peritheliomas, etc which deprived them from many joys of life. Looking in the eyes of this ittle children who just want to survive you only want to believe that everything will be ok...

Ivano-Frankivsk: Their eyes are full of hope and better future.

The orphanage 'Malyatko' is situated in Ivano-Frankivsk region, in Nadvirna city. Children aged from 2 months to 6 years live there.

Entering the building, we saw kids together with their nannies looking out of the the window smiling and welcoming their guests. It is really hard to desribe their extremal happiness and joy, their sparkling eyes at seeing us - their new mums. It was obvious that the most precious thing for these children is attention, not gifts or sweets.

The kids there suffer from infantile cerebral palsy.

Time flew so fast while we were playing with kids, taking pictures though it was very difficut because children liked the camera a lot:) I seemed it tasted better than sweets for them :)

It was pleasant for us, future moms, to have an opportunity to help babies put on clothes and to feed them. We presented them slеepwear, shoes and toys.

What a great feeling to help those innocent and pure children, to give them a chance to feel needed and admired!

It is like a positive addiction receive a bunch of positive emotions looking at their eyes full of hope for better future.

Simferopol: ...all of them live with AIDS!

There are so many little creatures who have already suffered from the life having just begun it. They do not know what is the parents love and probably will never be able to pronounce such dear for every person words - mother and father. Their enfants, but big hearts do not know what is the warm parents love, care, attention...

Sometimes those children are limited in the communication with the others of their age, because all of them live with AIDS!

All of them are under 5 years old! It is not easy for them to experience those small childhood joys that an ordinary child knows.

But everyone of us agrees - those poor children deserve that. Everyone of them deserves to go to bed hugging the favourite puffy bear and have so dear and sweet dessert or a favourite fruit that even we, grown up people, like so much!

Probably we cannot give them the parents love, but we can make their life brighter, gifting them toys..We can make their life more interesting, gifting them a chance to watch the performance in the circus or to see animals from all over the world in the zoo.... We can make their life easier buying special equipment in their big common house - boarding school...

Here in Simferopol children with AIDS live in a special care boarding house that will accept all kind of help. Our team is trying to make their life better, make more children smiling and make them at least a little bit happier!

Lutsk: Smile of a child is above wealth!

Children's eyes of orphans and children left without parental care are special, cause there is not only a bunch of questions to the world, but the scar of pain on their hearts which stays for the whole life.

These small people see the world older than others. It's a pity but despite of all their pain they are almost alone in this world. Only rare cases occur, when they are handed with the help of strangers.

These examples are among employees of Lutsk dating agency UaDreams. Recently in Lutsk the workers put plastic windows in the game room of the orphans baby house. Currently there are 28 children, 10 of them are lettle babies. There are orphans, children from bad families and some with the health problems.

Also, with a staff took some sweets and fruits, so that kids could enjoy them. Of course we could never replace their mother, but now we can give them warmth of our hearts. Children have met us with the incredibly sincere hugs. And their smiles were definitely the best reward for us. So UaDreams is striving to give children of Ukraine a fighting chance at a brighter tomorrow and a more fulfilling future.

All children are our future. They all deserve our love!

Mykolaiv: Attention is so important for these children!

Dear friends, thanks to you we help orphan children all over Ukraine, and in winter 2011-2012 we continued our good tradition and visited an orphanage house in Mykolaiv.

When we entered the room, delighted eyes and smiling faces greeted us there. Children were waiting for us very much!

Attention and love are most important for these children. Stories about themselves, games, painting and good humor made this day magic.

The children were very glad to receive toys, books, albums and paints which we brought for them.

Of course, our gifts won't replace them the fullfillment of their cheirshed dream but we are trying to make a world a little bit better and warmer, especially for children who don't have parents due to their destiny.

We sincerely hope that soon their dream will come true and each of them will have real loving parents.

Kremenchuk: They need our help.

In December 2009 we went to Orphan House which is situated in Kremenchuk, Poltava region. There are children from 3 to 18 y.o., orphans and children from disadvantaged families.

The washing machines are broken there. So we decided to present a new special big-size washing machine. Also we bought 16 different books (cyclopaedia for kids, some educational books and fairytales), sweets and fruits.

On the St.Nicolas' Day every child wants to feel the holiday atmosphere around. Believe it, often children in the Orphanage don't know what candies mean since they have never tried them! Of course, they have sufficient food and clothes, they get some care. But the government can't provide enough of financial assistance.

That's why we decided to present something useful to the orphanage, something that they can't buy themselves. Also we have bought some things which are not so useful for the orphanage administration but so pleasant for children - sweets and fruits, that give them gladness and joy and make them happy.

When the staff of Kremenchuk branch came to the Orphan House children were surprised and too shy at first. But in a few minutes they realized that they can play with us. Then children were telling poems and singing songs. Children looked really happy when we gave sweets. One small boy took sweets and said: "Ok, I will be full for sure.

Poltava: The more you give, the more you have.

Love is a life, and life is a love.

Keeping traditions, UaDreams agency continues to render the charitable help to all who needs it. As of today there is a great problem and a lack of medical provision for patients with oncological diseases, especially children. With underfinancing from the Government side the great importance has the financial support from private persons and companies.

Prior to St. Valentine's Day, employees of UaDreams Poltava branch have visited children's oncological branch of municipal hospital in order to give care, warmth, attention and the most important love. Children of different ages who are ill with cancer of different degree and severity took part in games and competitions, received gifts, toys and surprises with the great pleasure.

Recognizing the seriousness of this situation, in addition to the holiday party UaDreams agency has donated the special equipment - reclaimer for upper airway. Together with you we continue our charitable activity, we continue to give love in all its aspects, and to all who needs it.

We believe that love will save the world.

Kharkiv: International Children's Day.

On the 1st of June staff members of Kharkiv region visited an orphan home in Kharkiv region.

We have donated the medical equipment for medical unit and electric equipment for kitchen to store and cook food. Besides, every kid has received a bag with sweets and gifts.

Simultaneously we were overflow with happy and sad emotions sharing this festive day with orphans.

It was really touching to see kids of this orphan home to be specially prepared for the fest! Dramatic skits, songs, games, dancing and a lot of other things were presented to us and other quests of orphanage by these kids left alone without their parents. Every kid was trying to do his best performing in front of the audience and saving the hope 'to find his mom'.

UaDreams agency urges you to be attentive and mindful to children. You can always congratulate your kid or the kid of your friends and what is the most important to congratulate the kid of your beloved!

P.S. Why do we tell you about this? We want you to know, that our company sends a part of its profit to local orphanages, children's hospitals and baby houses and that you are also relevant to this noble mission. Thank you!

Comments from our members:

Ruben from France
I recently read your Letter in charity events and Sad story of all your orphans in ur city of Lutsk, and the ordeal they experience without Families, and it kinda touch my heart? And i would like to know how can I being of Support and Help to this orphans in the city of lutsk, or the orphans house which is situated in Kremenchuk, Poltava region. Your Writeup in the Uadream website really touch me.

Ron from USA
There are many that do not care about kids from other countries....all they care about is either finding someone to love or just vacation me our children around the world are very important as they are our we teach them and help them to learn about life will help them to become the best they can be.

Reading the message you sent about the staff going to an orphanage made me realize that I am not the only one who thinks doing things for the young kids that have no parents that care....and for that I say to you... JOB WELL DONE.

It is little tings like this that makes me take notice of who I deal with and for this little message I know that I am dealing with the right people to find the one I love.

Robert from Los Angeles, USA
Hello, I want to know how can I give to a charity of a children's orphanage in Simferopol.

Steven from Chicago, USA
I was checking out the home page and came across the vidios of the children with aids in Simferopol's boarding house. How many children are there? Do the ladies from the gallery in Simferopol visit the children?

Robban from Gothenburg, Sweden
Dear Support!
I read your email right now about ST. Nicholas day and I was moved!
It's just that with the orphans that I want to do really!
Kind Regards

Tim from South East, United Kingdom
Charity Events. I hope you do this in all of the cities. But, great idea!!!!
Thank you site from the children to you at UaDreams and people who have participated in helping. It probably be only simles or pictures, but ... a thank you, is a thank you. And the children will then be giving back in their own way.

Hi - I'm not currently enrolled in your site but I just was in Sumy to meet someone I met on another service. The idea of working with kids who need help appeals to me.
Thank you.

I wanted to write to you and express my thank you for supporting the many children whom have not a family. I am extending my blessings and prayers to you for supporting such a wonderful will in heart!Many seek women and at my age well, I have almost given up trying to find that lady. But, in turn, my heart is at a very happy place after reading what you do for the many children.

You know it is said, "In your heart there is a place for Love, In you soul there is a place for your God" I am not a perfect man yet, when you read or see such tender passion , it is my soul that says, "Brother your are alright".

Thank you.

Frequently asked questions:

How do you choose those who need your help?
We try to help those who are less protected and who need the help most of all. In our country it is children, usually those who are sick and left without parents and protection.

Government helps such children, doesn't it?
Yes, it does. But usually because of a lack of financing the help of the government is minimal for surviving. Often and often children do not have even elementary conditions for living, cold rooms, there is no place to wash the clothes etc.

What exactly do you do?
As a rule we try to improve everyday life conditions for kids. We concider it to be inefficient just to give money to orphanage as we are not sure that children will get such help. Instead we do something concrete to improve the conditions of life for children and present sweets, our attention and love to them. Believe, we regret to say there are kids who have NEVER tried eaten sweets. We can't tolerate such state of things.

I also wish to help. How can I do that?
We are not a charitable organization and all we do we do for our own cost. While using our services you ALSO automatically help - we give part of our profit to this social program. We cannot accept charitable payments through credit cards, though if you want to help contact our Support Center and we will tell you what is the best way to do this.

Once again thanks for your unindifference. It was very important for us to know this.

Kindest regards, UaDreams